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Home again!!!!

August 17, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!!

Oh boy did we have a grand time!!!! We went to a new place as Dad had a huge conflict with the owner of the original camping spot. All things happen for a reason is our motto. We went to a place where there was only 2 other campers. We basically had the place to ourselves. We all could go swimming in a stream right behind my mobile house. Mulligan and Hank did not even need to be on a leash. It was great.

What was really neat is that the TV never went on and computers were never on. Apparently, there was no service for either at this campground. Oh know what else, Mom and Dad did not use their cell phones. I was surprised how well they handled it. They proved to me that they really are not addicted to those things. We went for many walks and just relaxed. Ted would have loved playing in the stream, we all played in his honor.

What a nice trip we had. We are all glad to be home though. Nice to stretch out and be back to “normal”.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out


Our August Adventure is about to begin!!!!

August 10, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!!

Is it August already? Just where has the time gone. Let me catch you up on what I, we have been up to. Let’s see, Oh yes, July was extremely hot. Mom has been very careful in allowing us to run. In fact, we have been out very early in the morning, the sun was up though.

We went on adventure down in the Catskills. The RV park we went to was huge, but very nice. Mom found an area for us all to play in and have a good time. Mulligan learned  about jumping over things in the woods. This was great as he has since jumped over me on our walks. Sometimes he just does not pay attention when he is running like a mad man, goofy boy.

While we were in the Catskills, we met many nice people. Mom and Dad had friends and family visit us at our site as well. It was nice to relax outside and visit. Of course, everyone just loves all of us and are amazed at how well behaved we all are. Mom and Dad tell them, if we didn’t behave, we would not be on the adventure.

Later in July we went back to Streamside Golf Course and RV Park for 5 days. Dad went to work on some of the days, Mom played golf on a couple of the days. My brothers and sister enjoyed the smells and walks everyday. The park is a small one and when we are there, everyone continues to comment on our behavior. Oh at night, there are no big lights in the park, so Mom puts lights on us. You should hear what the people say when they see us. Imagine 4 glowing collars hovering in the air. I am sure it is quite a sight from a distance.

Now that I have caught you up through July, here we are in August. Mom continues to take Mulligan and I for a walk in the morning, and Dad joins in after dinner. Mulligan is learning about his remote collar. Mom is quite pleased at the progress. They are not getting very fancy with it, just the come command so Mom does not have to yell and working on the sit command using the collar. He knows both so the transition will be relatively easy.

Now to the adventure. Our first stop will be Streamside again, this will give Mulligan a good area to exercise before we continue on our adventure. We will be traveling to Sidney, NY. I remember going there last year. It was just Mom, Hank, Missy and I. Our friend Dakota was there with his Mom in their camper as well. We experienced a hurricane while in the motor home. We all survived, but it was a lot of rain and wind. We were there the year before with Ted. I remember going to a pond and swimming. Ted retrieved for the first time in the water. He had 4 legs at the time. Boy could he swim. This year, we will go back to the pond and it will be Mullgan’s turn to swim and retrieve.

We are so excited about our upcoming adventure. Mom is putting things in MY mobile home. Oh boy, I just can’t wait.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

 Oh Mom wanted me to share this link with you.

Happy birthday Mulligan!!!!

July 18, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!!

Today is Mulligan’s birthday. To start the day off, we went for a walk and he found a softball. He is so ball oriented it is ridiculous, as far as I am concerned. He is so focused he does not even see the deer in the field. Boy oh boy, I spotted those pretty things right away. I stood real still and just stared at them. Of course Mom would not let me chase them, spoil sport.

Anyhow, below is Mulligan with his ball. He is such a goof ball, his butt is on the arm of  the couch and he looks real funny. I am enjoying the day outside, watching the birds, kids and squirrels. Such a nice day.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out!!!!

Mulligan’s morning!!!!

July 6, 2012

Izzy signing in,

We are on an adventure with Mom and Dad. They must like this place as we keep coming back. What I hear is that the campground is in the middle of a golf course. Weird, right? The cool part for us is that we all get to go and run “free”. Well my brothers and sister get to run free. I am attached to Dad. Apparently I am not trustworthy off leash. You know, the woods look like so much fun to run in. I would come back, I really would. I know, I would not come back for like an hour, but I would come back. Any how we all get some exercise.

Each morning, Mulligan is a big goofball, making lots of goofy noises and just being a real pain. Mom takes him for a run on his own. She takes a frisbee and he chases it. Sometimes he hides on her. Below is him hiding. What a silly boy.


He plays this game, then Mom comes and finds him.


He is such a good boy. When they return, he is tuckered right out.

We are off to another new place to visit. I will keep you posted.

Until next time,


One year ago yesterday!!!!

July 1, 2012

Izzy siging in,

One year ago yesterday we lost our beloved Ted E. Bear. It was a sad day for all of us. Our lives were changed forever. Ted was a wonderful, wonderful brother. He was put on this Earth for a very special purpose, and he succeeded. Thank  you Ted E. Bear.

Ted has been continuing his work from above. He made sure my limping was just an injury (which we believe he caused). I visited his doctor in the very big city. What a nice man he is, he was so happy to see me and totally understood the concern of Mom and Dad. As some of you remember, I blogged about that vet visit last summer. He also took Mom to get Mulligan. What a good brother he is, well he has to be with me teaching him the tricks of the trade. Ted also watched over Dad during his last surgery and made sure he was healthy.

Mom and Dad made sure I was content all day and I made sure they were as well. Lots of hugs and kisses all around in Ted’s honor.

Ted, we are all doing fine down here. We know you are watching and keeping us safe. Thank you.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

Mom snuck out again!!!!

June 26, 2012

Izzy signing in,

As I was dozing outside, Mom snuck out of the house with Mulligan, AGAIN!!!! Here is what my nose tells me: he went swimming, then went for a run in an area that Ted and I went when we were puppies. That was 6 years ago by the way. Mom has not walked there since. I think it has something to do with the poison ivy Ted and I got into.

Apparently Mom is allergic to it and she did not know we had gotten into it. You know as puppies, Ted and I were so adorable that she would always cuddle with us. Well, with the oil from the poison ivy all over us, she in turn got it on her. We felt sooo bad, but what could we do, we were puppies and just ran and ran.

Today she went back there. I think she is taking precautions though. I noticed she has a sweatshirt on. I have attached 2 pictures of Mulligan on his run. He sure is a good boy for Mom, he always sticks around. I on the other hand, and I know you really find this hard to believe, go nuts when I am off a leash. I do not listen and tend to wander off. On leash I am a perfect dog though. Anyhow, Mom and I both know this, so we have agreed that I will be happy on a long lead. Maybe next time I will get to go.

Here is my boy!!!!







Until next time,

Izzy signing out

Long time no post!!!!

June 21, 2012

Izzy signing in,

Good afternoon all. My family has been doing quite well since the last time I signed on. We have been busy traveling on weekends a bit. We sure do like our new movable home. We have so much room, we need it as Mulligan is the size of a small horse. At least that is what one of my friends said when she came for a visit. Oh yes, I allowed her to stay in MY movable home. She was quite impressed with MY movable home.

Mom and Dad have been making travel plans for the summer. I understand the places we are going will be great. I am hoping to be able to take in all the smells and sounds. I just love meeting new people, they all say how well we all behave and are a joy to be around. My thought is, “Well, of course we are, we do what Mom expects of us.” Oh yes which brings me to an issue that Mom has been talking about. Do you know what New York has done to the state parks? They limit the number of dogs a site can have to 2. Now all of us in this house think that is absolutely ridiculous. Everyplace we go, the campers and owners just love having us. What is the issue? Oh yes, I know, the other families just don’t know how to behave. So let them take their unruly family and disrupt the campground, and do not let the quiet polite families enjoy the state parks. Mom thinks they should limit the number of kids on a site as well. Kids on bicycles are very dangerous and have no respect for anyone.

Ok I am off my biscuit box. We are coming upon one year of losing Ted E Bear. All of our hearts ache for  him. Mulligan will never replace him, but he does fill a void for our family. For those of you who knew Ted, know what my family went through that spring and summer. This will be a fun summer, I can just feel it in my toes.

I will have Mom do her best to post pictures of our adventures.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Mulligan went swimming!!!!

May 16, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!!

It sure is a good thing I am a good sister.  Sunday morning I overheard Mom ask Dad about visiting a friend of theirs and only take Mulligan. Why they were going to visit a friend? I have no idea. All I heard was that Mulligan was going and I was not.  When that happens, I know it is my job to take care of the house. That is a tall order you know. Anyhow, off Mulligan goes with Mom and Dad. Actually it was quite relaxing without the boy. I know I will get my special time with Mom and Dad. Today is Mulligan’s day.

Mulligan had quite a day. Here is what he told me. “Hey Izzy, I didn’t know that when I went in the water and my feet didn’t touch bottom that I could actually keep moving. Really, I did. Mom tossed a small stick for me, I went further and further into the water. Each time I could touch the ground and get wet at the same time. Then Mom tossed the stick really far. I actually floated and could not touch the ground. At first I didn’t know what to do, then all of a sudden my legs started moving and I moved through the water. I loved it,  Izzy.  You know what was really fun? Getting out of the water and shaking all over and the water sprayed on everyone. ”

Well, now Mulligan knows how to swim. That is great, now we can go swimming together. I know Mom loves to take me swimming. I will show Mulligan how it is done. I just know I can teach him some new tricks.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Ted’s Ruff Harness is in use!!!!

May 10, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!!

Mom has a friend who has an aging golden retriever who is having trouble going upstairs with his family. When Mom found this out, she offered Ted’s red harness. Today Mom went to put the harness on Barney. Barney is about 12 years old I think. Now you know I am always with my Mom both physically as well as emotionally. Well, Barney stood very still for Mom to put the harness on and was very patient. Once the harness was on, Barney just walked around like he had warn it for years. I know Mom  had tears in her eyes just seeing the harness on Barney.

Barney’s Mom and Dad were so surprised that Barney was very comfortable in the harness. In fact, while Mom did some work on their computer, Barney laid down and took a nap. When it was time for Mom to leave, Barney got up and gave Mom some kisses. I know Mom had tears, and she whispered to him, “Wear this proudly.”

Barney has full use of the harness for as long as he needs it. I will see Barney on my next walk. I hope he is wearing the harness.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Mulligan is a very funny boy!!!!

May 10, 2012

Izzy signing in,

Well, where do I start. Our boy is almost 10 months old now. I am hearing that he will be trained to a remote collar, whatever that means. Maybe he is going to become a robot or something. Or maybe Mom will have him dance periodically.

As  most of you know, my family and I went on a vacation for a week in my new home on wheels. Let me tell you, I love it. We have so much more room to relax and spread out, it is amazing. Mulligan is getting the hang of it, but he still is overwhelmed when we first get set up, he has to talk all the time, not bark, but tell stories. I am sure the stories are quite interesting, but really now.

Last night though he was so goofy, good thing Mom loves him. He is so tall, he is counter surfing, not for food, but things. He brought Mom the following, a slipper (that was from the bedroom floor), a wallet, a pencil, and a magazine. When he was in the house alone with Mom, he had the zoomies. He brought in a rock from outside and ran around the downstairs like a mad man. I could hear him and I was outside.

Mom has been very busy after work and has not had time to take us for a walk. I bet she will tonight. Mulligan really needs a good run, even I can see it.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.