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Long time no post!!!!

Izzy signing in,

Good afternoon all. My family has been doing quite well since the last time I signed on. We have been busy traveling on weekends a bit. We sure do like our new movable home. We have so much room, we need it as Mulligan is the size of a small horse. At least that is what one of my friends said when she came for a visit. Oh yes, I allowed her to stay in MY movable home. She was quite impressed with MY movable home.

Mom and Dad have been making travel plans for the summer. I understand the places we are going will be great. I am hoping to be able to take in all the smells and sounds. I just love meeting new people, they all say how well we all behave and are a joy to be around. My thought is, “Well, of course we are, we do what Mom expects of us.” Oh yes which brings me to an issue that Mom has been talking about. Do you know what New York has done to the state parks? They limit the number of dogs a site can have to 2. Now all of us in this house think that is absolutely ridiculous. Everyplace we go, the campers and owners just love having us. What is the issue? Oh yes, I know, the other families just don’t know how to behave. So let them take their unruly family and disrupt the campground, and do not let the quiet polite families enjoy the state parks. Mom thinks they should limit the number of kids on a site as well. Kids on bicycles are very dangerous and have no respect for anyone.

Ok I am off my biscuit box. We are coming upon one year of losing Ted E Bear. All of our hearts ache for  him. Mulligan will never replace him, but he does fill a void for our family. For those of you who knew Ted, know what my family went through that spring and summer. This will be a fun summer, I can just feel it in my toes.

I will have Mom do her best to post pictures of our adventures.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

5 Responses to “Long time no post!!!!”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    I agree with you Izzy: limit the number of wild kids that can go in state parks! Or better yet, just make the state parks, Dog Parks!! Then you and Mulligan could have the run of the place with all your friends!!

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Oh boy, I would just love that. Could Mom and Dad go too? I sure would not want to go without them.


  2.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Hi Izzy!

    I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since Ted left us. We went back and read some of the things from that time and it made my Woman sad. She wishes so much that Ted could still be here because he and I were kind of a team. We never met, of course, but we had a lot in common, including when we had our surgeries. One thing we know for sure is how much fun Ted had here and how loved he was. And every time we look at that picture of him riding shotgun, we smile. “Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!”

    For those of you kind of new here, you should go read Ted’s blog entries to see just how much fun and joy we dogs can have on 3 legs. If you ever doubt, let Ted show you. Ted was a traveler, a snowman maker, a nursemaid for his dad, a wonderful sibling to Izzy and a tremendously handsome fellow. Damn I miss him.

    As for the campgrounds, I can’t help with that. But I’m thinking that if you add Hank to Mulligan and Missy to Izzy, you have 2 big dogs. Maybe some temporary duct tape would help give you 2 big dogs for the rules.

    Love, Dakota

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      D Dawg,

      I know, almost a year. Just does not seem it has been that long ago since we had him hopping around with us. I know he is in a better place and is no longer in pain. I also know he is watching over his family and guiding Mulligan to be the best dog he can be.

      Now that would be a funny look with Missy and Hank duct taped to Mulligan and I, but it just might work. l will be sure to suggest it to Mom and Dad.


  3.   kviz Says:

    Sweet! <3

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