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Our August Adventure is about to begin!!!!

Izzy signing in!!!!

Is it August already? Just where has the time gone. Let me catch you up on what I, we have been up to. Let’s see, Oh yes, July was extremely hot. Mom has been very careful in allowing us to run. In fact, we have been out very early in the morning, the sun was up though.

We went on adventure down in the Catskills. The RV park we went to was huge, but very nice. Mom found an area for us all to play in and have a good time. Mulligan learned  about jumping over things in the woods. This was great as he has since jumped over me on our walks. Sometimes he just does not pay attention when he is running like a mad man, goofy boy.

While we were in the Catskills, we met many nice people. Mom and Dad had friends and family visit us at our site as well. It was nice to relax outside and visit. Of course, everyone just loves all of us and are amazed at how well behaved we all are. Mom and Dad tell them, if we didn’t behave, we would not be on the adventure.

Later in July we went back to Streamside Golf Course and RV Park for 5 days. Dad went to work on some of the days, Mom played golf on a couple of the days. My brothers and sister enjoyed the smells and walks everyday. The park is a small one and when we are there, everyone continues to comment on our behavior. Oh at night, there are no big lights in the park, so Mom puts lights on us. You should hear what the people say when they see us. Imagine 4 glowing collars hovering in the air. I am sure it is quite a sight from a distance.

Now that I have caught you up through July, here we are in August. Mom continues to take Mulligan and I for a walk in the morning, and Dad joins in after dinner. Mulligan is learning about his remote collar. Mom is quite pleased at the progress. They are not getting very fancy with it, just the come command so Mom does not have to yell and working on the sit command using the collar. He knows both so the transition will be relatively easy.

Now to the adventure. Our first stop will be Streamside again, this will give Mulligan a good area to exercise before we continue on our adventure. We will be traveling to Sidney, NY. I remember going there last year. It was just Mom, Hank, Missy and I. Our friend Dakota was there with his Mom in their camper as well. We experienced a hurricane while in the motor home. We all survived, but it was a lot of rain and wind. We were there the year before with Ted. I remember going to a pond and swimming. Ted retrieved for the first time in the water. He had 4 legs at the time. Boy could he swim. This year, we will go back to the pond and it will be Mullgan’s turn to swim and retrieve.

We are so excited about our upcoming adventure. Mom is putting things in MY mobile home. Oh boy, I just can’t wait.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

 Oh Mom wanted me to share this link with you.

One Response to “Our August Adventure is about to begin!!!!”

  1.   princess Says:

    Apart from the hurricane (I don’t think I would have likd that) it sounds like lots of fun. Swimming at the beach and river was my most favourite thing to do.

    Spirit Magnum

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