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Mom took some pictures for you all to see!!!!

April 9, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!!

Our trip  started with snow on the ground. Oh boy, Mom put water my mobile home in the morning for fear of it freezing over night. She is sooo smart, it snowed overnight. We were all piled into the truck by 8:15am. Right on time. Below are a variety of pictures of us in the truck on our 1000 mile trip to South Carolina to meet up with Mom’s Mom.

Below are some pictures of the mobile house and our site.
 Below is Mulligan looking at the cows. He is such a goofball.

One step closer!!!!

March 24, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!!

As most of you know, Mom and Dad got me a bigger home on wheels. I heard it does not have a motor, but Dad’s truck can pull it. All of us have been practicing our vehicle etiquette, but time will tell how we do.  Mulligan has never been on a trip, let alone slept in a home on wheels. I am sure he will be just fine, especially since I will be with him.

Today Missy and I went to be beautified. Our fur is all fluffy, and nails all trimmed up. I know Mom wants us to look beautiful, but really. Do we have to go through a day at the spa???? OK, I will do it just for Mom. I must say, we do smell pretty darn good. I don’t know how long the bandannas will last though.  OH, Mulligan came into the spa too, all he had done was his nails and fur on his feet trimmed. That is all Mom wanted to have done for his first time. I was there to watch, he did pretty good, he was nervous though. Mom and Dad where there too, they gave him lots of hugs and sweet talk. The nice lady working  on him was very impressed with him. What can I say, he is my boy and love him. I told him it was OK.

Now that I am ready to go, let’s get that new home on wheels on the road. Mom will take pictures for you.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Finally warm weather!!!!

March 18, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!!

Oh boy, is it ever nice out. This past week has been great. Mom comes home from work takes us for a walk, our older brother Hank even gets to go 🙂 Hank and Mulligan run free in the field, but Mom thinks I will see something interesting and just run forever. Hmmm She is probably right. So, Mom puts me on a very long leash and I sure do wander and take in all the smells.

Mulligan is doing pretty good. Below is his first outing on the front porch. I am sure from now on, Mom will relax out there and I will come to visit. It is really nice on the porch, I just like being in my own area in the back yard. Oh yes, Mulligan is now 8 months old. He has spent half of his life with us. I am happy to have him with us.

Dad was so nice to me today, he put my drinking fountain outside for me. I just love having my own spiket of water to drink from. It is so fresh and cool. I am sure Mulligan will learn to use it too, that is ok. Like to share with him.

Mom and Dad have been busy getting my movable home ready. I think we are leaving for a week. It will be sooo much fun I can hardly wait, new smells, new sights.

That is it for now.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Mom has been very busy!!!!

February 28, 2012

Izzy signing in.

We have such a busy life here in our little village. As most of you know, Mom, Mulligan and I try to walk everyday around the village to meet people and see the sights. You saw in my last post our walk in the rain with our wonderful coats. We really do not mind wearing them either.

Since my last post, I heard Mom and Dad talking, do you know what they did????? They traded my movable house with the engine to a movable house without an engine. Hmmmm, they didn’t ask me if that was ok or not. If I know my Mom and Dad, I am sure all will be ok, but it would have been nice to have a say in the decision. I will keep you posted on that new movable house.

Then Mom was gone for a few days, like 5 days to be exact. I counted!!!! It was too long, I really missed her and Mulligan was very antsy. I know he really missed her. He would take things that he shouldn’t, like Dad’s slippers, Mom’s shoes. He didn’t hurt them, just move them around the house. I found out she went to see Mom’s Mom. She had a good time, but was glad to get back to see me. I just know she missed me the most.

Now she is home and we have been walking again every day. We just love it. Oh yes, here is a picture of Mulligan with Mom after she got home. I think he really missed her.


Until next time,

Izzy signing out!!!

Out for a rainy walk.

February 16, 2012

Izzy signing in,

Mom and I have decided that Mulligan needs to go for a walk or run everyday when she gets home from work. If we do not take the boy for his daily outing, our evenings are not so quiet. As some of you already know, Mom sometimes takes Mullligan by himself, of course I am not happy about it but I also know she runs him harder if I am not there.

Today is no exception to our outings. I was not sure if we would go because it was raining, but Mom did not let us down. Mom took a short video of us walking. Here it is.

Yes, you can see we are wearing coats. Mulligan is wearing Ted’s coat. It was a little big on him, but he wore it like a badge of honor.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

Mulligan is so easy to play with!!!

February 11, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!!

Happy February!!!! We have just a bit of snow and ice. I asked Mom to get a video of my brother and I outside. This is what she got!!!!

Mulligan just loves to play ball. He actually drives Mom nuts sometimes though. He does nicely playing by himself, but the ball usually ends up under a couch or chair. You know what Mom has to do, yup, retrieve the ball for Mulligan. Such a silly boy. You know, maybe that is exactly what he wants her to do though.

Hope you enjoyed the short video.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.


Wonderful walks lately!!!!

February 7, 2012

Izzy signing in,

Mulligan, Mom and I are having really nice walks lately. As usual, Mulligan is off leash running and running. He such a good boy for us. Mom and I are walking really fast, he is off exploring the field. I am sure he is finding all sorts of goodies to nibble on and roll in. Once we are out of the field, both of us are put back on leashes and we walk around town. We visit many people and are given many compliments. Mom is very happy with both of us, of course she is happy with me, I am her favorite.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

Mom and Mulligan did it again!!!!

January 23, 2012

Izzy signing in,

I was left behind again. Mom talked with me though. Mulligan has more energy than want to put up with so, Mom takes him for a good run so I can have some peace for a while. Below are a couple of videos of him out in the field. Oh, Mom is also working on his recall. I just know she is using treats, I just know it. Don’t worry, I get my special time with her too. I get to sleep with her at night. Mulligan has to stay in his crate downstairs by himself. Woof Woof  Woof  Woof, I am QUEEN!!!!

I hope you enjoyed watching the boy!!!! He is learning a lot.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Mulligan is now 6 months old!!!!

January 19, 2012

Izzy signing in,

Well, yesterday was a mile stone for Mulligan!!!! Our little boy is growing up. He is eating big dog food now, which is much easier for all involved. He is learning to eat with me in the kitchen and not steal my food. He will learn. It will take time, but we are all being patient.

Here is a picture of the big boy!!!!


Until next time,

Izzy signing out.





Tuesday I turned 6 years old!!!!

January 12, 2012

Izzy signing in,

Mom and Dad are not big on birthday parties, but I knew Tuesday was a special day. Dad took me for a special walk with Mulligan, we even went into the post office and met lots of people. When Mom came home from work, she gave me extra special hugs.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.