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Happy birthday Mulligan!!!!

Izzy signing in!!!!

Today is Mulligan’s birthday. To start the day off, we went for a walk and he found a softball. He is so ball oriented it is ridiculous, as far as I am concerned. He is so focused he does not even see the deer in the field. Boy oh boy, I spotted those pretty things right away. I stood real still and just stared at them. Of course Mom would not let me chase them, spoil sport.

Anyhow, below is Mulligan with his ball. He is such a goof ball, his butt is on the arm of  the couch and he looks real funny. I am enjoying the day outside, watching the birds, kids and squirrels. Such a nice day.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out!!!!

10 Responses to “Happy birthday Mulligan!!!!”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    Happy Birthday Mulligan! That’s pretty lucky, finding a great ball on your birthday!

    Izzy, I think you need to teach that boy how to properly lay on a couch! If his butt’s on the arm, that means he’s left room for a human!! So young, so much to learn!

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Oh my, there is a lot to learn about how to lay on a couch. Is there a book or something that we must read?


  2.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Hi Izzy! Please tell Mulligan we said Happy Birthday. In fact, could you sing it to him? And Maximutt is right–Mulligan has left way too much room on the couch. Show him how to sprawl out more, sing him the birthday song and then give him a kiss!

    Love, Dakota

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:


      Roooo Roooooo, ttooooooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx

      Mulligan likes to lean on Mom when he is on the couch. This is unusual for him to be leaving this much room. Guess he was tired after the last walk he had.


  3.   anjl Says:

    Sounds like a great B day to me!

  4.   princess Says:

    I never thought about it until seeing that photo but Magnum never tried to take up the whole lounge. No idea why. She had her spot at one end (which she chose of course) and that is where she always stayed. But, the bed was very different. She learned how to stretch across the king sized bed and very effectively leave no room for the humans.

    Happy Birthday Mullligan.

    Karen and Spirit Magnum

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Oh boy, Mulligan takes up the whole couch and leaves a little room for Mom. When he takes a nap with Mom on the bed he snuggles right in and lays right next to her. At night, he is still a crate boy. Eventually he will join us, but not right yet.


  5.   jerry Says:

    Hoppy Birthday little pup! If I had my choice, I’d take the balls too, because unlike deer, peoples don’t get mad when you chase them!

    Izzy, I know you’re being a pawesome older sister to this kid!

  6.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Some days it is tough being his older sister, but most days it is pretty easy. He is taller than me and longer than me, but I am much wiser than he. Oh yes, I still have about 10 pounds on him. Woof Woof


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