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Happy birthday Mulligan!!!!

July 18, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!! Today is Mulligan’s birthday. To start the day off, we went for a walk and he found a softball. He is so ball oriented it is ridiculous, as far as I am concerned. He is so focused he does not even see the deer in the field. Boy oh boy, I spotted […]

Mulligan’s morning!!!!

July 6, 2012

Izzy signing in, We are on an adventure with Mom and Dad. They must like this place as we keep coming back. What I hear is that the campground is in the middle of a golf course. Weird, right? The cool part for us is that we all get to go and run “free”. Well […]

One year ago yesterday!!!!

July 1, 2012

Izzy siging in, One year ago yesterday we lost our beloved Ted E. Bear. It was a sad day for all of us. Our lives were changed forever. Ted was a wonderful, wonderful brother. He was put on this Earth for a very special purpose, and he succeeded. ThankĀ  you Ted E. Bear. Ted has […]