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Mulligan’s morning!!!!

Izzy signing in,

We are on an adventure with Mom and Dad. They must like this place as we keep coming back. What I hear is that the campground is in the middle of a golf course. Weird, right? The cool part for us is that we all get to go and run “free”. Well my brothers and sister get to run free. I am attached to Dad. Apparently I am not trustworthy off leash. You know, the woods look like so much fun to run in. I would come back, I really would. I know, I would not come back for like an hour, but I would come back. Any how we all get some exercise.

Each morning, Mulligan is a big goofball, making lots of goofy noises and just being a real pain. Mom takes him for a run on his own. She takes a frisbee and he chases it. Sometimes he hides on her. Below is him hiding. What a silly boy.


He plays this game, then Mom comes and finds him.


He is such a good boy. When they return, he is tuckered right out.

We are off to another new place to visit. I will keep you posted.

Until next time,


8 Responses to “Mulligan’s morning!!!!”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    sounds like you guys are on an excellent adventure. geesh, mulligan on a golf course – that’s funny!!

    charon & spirit gayle

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Yes we are on an excellent adventure. Maybe we aught to make a movie or something. Yes, Mulligan on a golf course. I heard when Mom and Dad are golfing, they thank “Mulligan” at least once per 9 holes.


  2.   maximutt Says:

    Wow, Mulligan IS a silly boy!! I guess he really likes to play hide & seek! Izzy, I bet if you started practicing coming back when your Mom & Dad called, they would start trusting you more to be off leash! I hope you guys have a great vacation!!!

  3.   labsrus Says:

    What a great day! You dogs have it just how it should be…fun, freedom, exercise and relaxing time with your wonderful people.

  4.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    I know, I know, but the woods are just too much for me. I just love running in them and I get so caught up in what I am doing I just lose my mind. Mom and Dad know best. I am very happy watching and running with Dad.


  5.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Izzy, I can’t believe you wouldn’t come back right away. You are pretty doggone perfect. On the other hand, losing your mind is ok. Having a brain is overrated. Just ask Evelyn. Oh no, did I say that? Excuse me, I have to go dry my eyes now. Oh boy, that was a good one!

    Love, Dakota
    P.S. I’m so happy you found a good place for fun that lets all of you run and play!

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      D Dawg,
      Mom is a tad protective of me. She does not like me to go for a walk-a-bout when I leave her sight. I can understand that, she loves me soo much. She takes me for many walks, even though I do not mention them.

      This new place is quite big and has many people this weekend. We are hoping most of the people leave on Sunday and the week will be much quieter.

      There are many new smells to be had though. I am having a ball watching the birds and chipmunks.


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