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Finally warm weather!!!!

Izzy signing in!!!!

Oh boy, is it ever nice out. This past week has been great. Mom comes home from work takes us for a walk, our older brother Hank even gets to go 🙂 Hank and Mulligan run free in the field, but Mom thinks I will see something interesting and just run forever. Hmmm She is probably right. So, Mom puts me on a very long leash and I sure do wander and take in all the smells.

Mulligan is doing pretty good. Below is his first outing on the front porch. I am sure from now on, Mom will relax out there and I will come to visit. It is really nice on the porch, I just like being in my own area in the back yard. Oh yes, Mulligan is now 8 months old. He has spent half of his life with us. I am happy to have him with us.

Dad was so nice to me today, he put my drinking fountain outside for me. I just love having my own spiket of water to drink from. It is so fresh and cool. I am sure Mulligan will learn to use it too, that is ok. Like to share with him.

Mom and Dad have been busy getting my movable home ready. I think we are leaving for a week. It will be sooo much fun I can hardly wait, new smells, new sights.

That is it for now.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

2 Responses to “Finally warm weather!!!!”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    Have a great time on your vacation Izzy! I can’t wait to hear where you went and see all the photos!

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    I will besure Mom takes lots of pictures of us on our vacation. I am sure we will have a lot of fun.


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