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Oh boy, I am on the go again!!!!

Izzy here!!!!

Yup!!!! I was right, I am on another adventure. I just had to let you see me in action. I am helping Mom drive my movable home.

Making sure Mom is doing everything right.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out

6 Responses to “Oh boy, I am on the go again!!!!”

  1.   Maximutt Says:

    Izzy, you have to be the luckiest girl ever!!! You have so many adventures, I don’t know when you get to rest! Have a great one, and tell us all about it when you get back!!

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Maxi mutt,
    Thanks, I know I am a lucky girl. I will try to post more pictures of my adventure.


  3.   etgayle Says:

    we’ll look out the window to see if we see the ‘izzy-mobile’ go by. we can’t wait for the pictures!

    charon & gayle

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Charon & Gayle,
      Mom took us all for a walk bright and early. Well it was early but not bright. It is a gray day today. I can hear the rain on the roof. We are all comfy in the Izzy-Mobile. It was 45 outside, boy was that a shock from 70.

      Not sure what today has planned, but I will be sure to let you know.


  4.   Indiana's mom Says:


    I just read some of your wonderful posts..and I sure ARE a very lucky girl – enjoy all of your wonderful adventures and wonderful moments!!

    Love from the spirit of Indiana’s mom ~Carol~

  5.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Thanks, I know I am a lucky, lucky girl. My family is great. Oh this place we are in has a golf course surrounding it. Mom and I walked up the road a bit and walked right through a tee box. That is the way the road goes. I just know Mom and Dad will be back to play golf. Today is not the day though, rain and cold. Not a good combo for a good time on the course.


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