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Our adventure continues.

Izzy here, again!!!! The KOA we stayed at was nice. It had a dog park, you can see a bit of it in the pictures below. It was nice to be able to investigate things without having that darn leash on. Mom and Dad like the dog park too, but they said the campsites were too little. We were squished together. It all worked out, so no big deal. Take a look at the pictures, let me know what you think.

I liked iinvestigating that little house.


Here I am waiting for Mom to take the picture. My boy Hank is behind me.

Today we had a long drive to a new place. Below I am showing you my movable house all set up. I think I will go inside and get cooled off. Mom has the AC on for me, oh yes for Missy and Hank too.

This is my movable house at Tall Pines Campground.

Until next time,
Izzy signing out.

6 Responses to “Our adventure continues.”

  1.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Hey Izzy, did you wear your ear plugs at the concert last night? And please don’t tell me you didn’t get to go! No steak is bad enough, but to miss the music would be too much!

    Love, Dakota

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Hey D, I had to baby sit my older siblings while Mom and Dad were gone. I am the responsible one you know. I was sooo happy when they returned though. We were all together for the night.


  2.   susy lalone Says:

    joey loves the dog park, she said you should have mom & dad build u one at home. You look very happy Izzy!!! Have fun…

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      That would be neat if they would build a little dog park for me. Maybe I can talk them into it. We will see.


  3.   chilidawg Says:

    You should also have your mom and dad build you a house with snoopy on it too! a princess like you should have a castle to play in!

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      I am a princess, so I should have a castle to play in. Hmmm I think between you and Joey, I think Mom and Dad should be considering at least the Snoopy house for me to play in.


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