August 29, 2011
This morning was glorious!!!! The fog was in the valley, the river had gone down some and the sun was coming up!!!! I think I even saw Mom smile about the sight we all saw. We all went for our morning walk, then back to the movable home for breakfast.
After a while our neighbors left and Mom let all of us out on our ropes to enjoy the morning. As we were enjoying the sights and sounds, Mom packed up everything. I found my spot, Hank found his spot, and Missy found hers. Mom checked all around, got in and away we went. I just love riding in the movable home. After while, I decided to visit Mom. She looked at me and said she will stop in about 5 minutes.
My Mom is so good to all of us. We arrived home safe and sound. Hank and Missy hopped out of the movable home and I just didn’t want to leave. Once I did, I ran around my yard making sure all was right with the world and you know what? It is. I also know Ted was with us all the way. Mom knew he was too. She always wears the pewter heart with 3 paws around her neck. She told me the heart came off the necklace but has no idea how it came off since the jump ring was closed. She put the heart back on the necklace and said, “Yup, Ted is with us!!!”
Waiting for the next adventure with my family.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out.
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
August 28, 2011
Izzy here!!!!
Well now, this has been an adventure for sure. Our first night here Mom went to dirt track races and came home all dusty. That is ok, I still love her. She took me out for a long walk in the dark. That was fun. Saturday we just relaxed all day. It was fun, I sat outside on my little patio and watched the river.
Saturday evening we went to an outside play. It was fun to see the different people. We sat in the back row and I had to lay at Mom’s feet. That was ok because as you know, I love her. It started to rain so we left the play early. We all hunkered down for the night.
During the night it really started to rain, I mean in buckets. Mom was very concerned about the creek that was behind the movable home. We took a long walk in the rain and went to ask about the rising water. The owners, at that point, said we don’t have anything to worry about. If it gets too high, they will come to our door and ask us to move.
Wellll, 1:30 there was a knock at the door. Hank of course had to talk and make a fuss. Well, we moved to higher ground to be safe. That is ok, we are all together and safe. Below you will see Hank and I taking a nap after helping with the move. Mom put a blanket on Hank as he is older and wet. I am sure he is a tad cold. Mom takes such good care of all of us.

- Hank napping with me.
Oh I just had to post Hank under the blanket.

Silly brother of mine.
The rain has let up as well as the wind. I think we are all a good time overall. I get to walk in the rain with my Mom, brother and sister.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out
Izzy here again!!!! Mom took me for an extra walk this evening and I thought I saw a kitty cat. But for some reason, Mom pulled me back and said that is not a kitty. Let’s not mess with that tonight.
Man, what was that cute black and white furry thing. All I wanted to do was play with it.
Night all,
Pictures |
Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
August 26, 2011
Izzy here, again!!!! The KOA we stayed at was nice. It had a dog park, you can see a bit of it in the pictures below. It was nice to be able to investigate things without having that darn leash on. Mom and Dad like the dog park too, but they said the campsites were too little. We were squished together. It all worked out, so no big deal. Take a look at the pictures, let me know what you think.

I liked iinvestigating that little house.

Here I am waiting for Mom to take the picture. My boy Hank is behind me.
Today we had a long drive to a new place. Below I am showing you my movable house all set up. I think I will go inside and get cooled off. Mom has the AC on for me, oh yes for Missy and Hank too.

This is my movable house at Tall Pines Campground.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out.
Pictures |
Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
August 24, 2011
Izzy signing in.
Mom, Hank, Missy, Jen, Dakota, and I are all set up at a KOA. Below is a picture of me helping Mom cook dinner.

- Helping Mom cook dinner.
And here I am snuggled down for the night.

That is me, all settled in for the night.
I am all tired out from a day of riding and exploring new smells and what not.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out.
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
August 23, 2011
Izzy here. I just know it starts tomorrow!!!! Mom did some packing today, I saw her carry that darn people food out the door. I sure hope she remembers my food. Oh what am I worried about, she never forgets about me. Oh that Missy girl, she was in the movable home watching Mom’s every move. She is such a silly little girl, but I do love her. She makes me laugh.
I heard Mom say we are leaving before lunch. Yip Yip Yippee. I will be riding right next to Mom so she can touch me all the time. I just love riding next to her.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out.
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
August 21, 2011
Izzy reporting in!!!! Mom is planning another adventure. I hear part of it includes Dad, but not the entire adventure. Hank and Missy will be with us and we will be traveling in the movable home again. Here is what I know so far!!!! In a few days we will be leaving and traveling about 3 hours from home. I am thinking of riding in the c0-pilot seat, but if Hank or Missy get there first, that is ok too. I heard Mom talking to my friend Dakota’s Mom and they will be there too.
Dad will be traveling to us the next day, he has something he has to do before joining us. We will be staying in the same place for a couple of days. After that, Dad will return home and the rest of us are going to travel about 4 hours to a new place. Mom was talking about a horse show or something like that. I am not sure if Dakota and I will be going to the show, but that will be ok. Hank, Missy, and I will stay in our movable home. If I remember corrrectly, we will be going to a special pond to swim. I can’t wait.
I will be sure to post pictures of our adventures when I can.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out.
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
August 16, 2011
Mom has been true to her word and has taken me swimming a lot lately. I really like swimming, but I don’t stay in too long. What I like about it the most is I feel so cool when I get out. Most times Mom comes into the water with me. She walks right beside me as I swim around her. I think she just wants to be with me where ever I am. She loves me so much.
Today Mom and I went to the library for a visit. Ms. Sharon had a walker and I didn’t even notice. She moved it all around and I didn’t care. I just wanted to see her. Mom was so proud of me. One more little test for me on my journey to becoming a certified therapy dog. After the library I went swimming, then we visited with someone from North Carolina.
After dinner, Mom, Dad and I went for a ride to a friend’s house. Mom and I went down to the lake to go swimming. The waves were much larger than any I have experienced before. Mom was right beside me as the waves splashed on the shore. We went in the water a little ways, but the waves were a little big for me today. Mom did not push me past my comfort level, so I was not scared at all. I know we will go back out again for a swim when the waves are not quite so big.
I had such a nice day with Mom. I just love her so.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
August 9, 2011
Izzy reporting in. Well, I guess I didn’t hide the gentle leader well enough, Mom found it. I have had to use it on our walks. This is what I have figured out though. If I walk really well for Mom, she will take it off and put me on my flexi-leash. I can walk all over the place with that thing. Mom has to watch real close because if I see a squirrel or rabbit, boy I sure can pull her hard. Woof Woof Woof. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t ever want to hurt my Mom, but those little critters can get the better of me.
I do like my morning walks even if I have to wear the gentle leader for a bit.
Until next time,
Izzy signing off
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
August 5, 2011
Mom, Mom’s Mom and I traveled the 100 miles for my mini-therapy test last evening. I of course was wonderful. What can I say???? Mom followed the instructions she was give, put me in a stay, then the lady wanted Mom to call me to come to her. Well, Mom said, “No, as a stay is when my girl stay put. If you want her to come to me, I need to put her in a wait.” Well, that just was perfect. Mom did put me in a wait, I did as asked, and came when Mom called me.
We then had to pass a dog and not even pay attention to the dog. The dog was a certified therapy dog, we passed, I ignored, but the other dog wanted to say “Hi!” Ha, I did better than he did.
Apparently I need to walk on a looser leash for Mom, so the gentle leader will and can be used. This morning, Mom put the gentle leader on me and I was great. Mom told me that I needed to wear the gentle leader for the test and we would be practicing with it.
I am scheduled to take the test in November. I will keep all of you updated on my progress. I am so excited, I just know I will be going to many interesting places.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
August 2, 2011
Well, Mom is seriously thinking about getting me back into the therapy training routine. I heard her talking with Dad and we are going on an adventure to see a lady who will give me a mini test. This will let Mom know what we need to work on. Then we can take the next test and I will be a certified therapy dog. Mom always talks about how Ted and I were in training for it, and we both did well in the spring of ’10. Then time got away from us, then well you know, things happened.
So, from what I hear, we will be going to a Petsmart to see this lady. I think I have seen commercials where that store sells really good stuff. I have never been in a store before, I have been in a library, post office, school, and vet office, but never a store. This will be exciting. I can’t wait.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister