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I can’t wait until Spring!!!!

October 11, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

Well, with the beautiful weather we had over the weekend, Mom and Dad played a lot of golf. I also know Mom’s Mom got married over the weekend, he is such a nice guy too.

Oh now the sad part, the Izzy-Mobile is put away for the winter. I so wanted to go for one more adventure, but I know Mom and Dad discussed it and it had to be done. The nice part is, I can still go outside and look at it, well see the cover that is over it.

The tail end of the Izzy-Mobile

This spring, a trip is being planned to TN. Mom and Dad are thinking of taking the Izzy-Mobile to Crossville, TN. They say it is really nice there and want to play on the golf courses there. Mom is finding some nice places for us to stay. She has certain requirements for us though. She likes large RV sites and pet friendly areas. She takes such good care of all of us.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Just thought you would like to see me on my walk!!!!

October 5, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

Mom decided to take some video of me on my walk tonight. I asked her if she could share with you. I don’t really have much to say about the videos, other than, “Those pesky squirrels always get the better of me.” 

Oh here I am sitting when I get to the road.

I hope you enjoyed the beginning of our walk.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Oh those pesky squirrels!!!!

October 5, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

My evening walks are wonderful!!!! Mom and Dad both take me for my walks now. It is great. It seems like we just leave the yard and there are these little fuzzy animals that drive me nuts. When I see these things, my ears perk up, I start prancing and pulling on the leash. Those pesky varmints are very fast. I just want to catch one of those things. One of these evenings I will.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.


Update on my x-rays!!!!

October 1, 2011

Izzy here, signing it.

As some of you know Mom and Dad were quite concerned as I was limping a lot. Well, in July I paid a visit to Dr. Robinson, Ted’s vet. He was very glad to see me, and I was glad to see him. I just knew he would be nice and he was. Dr. Robinson wanted us to continue our controlled walks each day. Then in September have another set of x-rays for him to read.

Dr. Robinson read the x-rays and did not see anything wrong. We then sent the x-rays to a radiologist. The results came back that I am a very healthy girl. Yeah!!!!

Bottom line, I had a soft tissue injury from playing with Ted. He was such a big boy and we must have hit each other really hard. Anyhow, I am no longer limping, have lost 7 pounds since May and am loving life.

Here’s to following Dr. Robinson’s orders Woof Woof Woof.

Izzy signing out.

Oh boy, I am on the go again!!!!

September 30, 2011

Izzy here!!!!

Yup!!!! I was right, I am on another adventure. I just had to let you see me in action. I am helping Mom drive my movable home.

Making sure Mom is doing everything right.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out

Oh boy, Oh boy, A New Adventure this weekend!!!!

September 29, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

Mom and Dad put food in my movable house last night. They talked about what they would have over the weekend and packed it. Mom came back inside with my food buckets, they are filled too. I am sooooo excited!!!!! I just know we will have a good time.

I will keep you posted on the adventure.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out!!!!

This might have been my last dip in the St. Lawrence River this year.

September 25, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

Mom was very busy this weekend. She told me that she needed to house/dog sit for a friend and it was my job to keep track of things for her. She would be here most of the time, but she would be sleeping in the other house. The thing is, my walking with her was put on the back burner. When Mom told me about her business this weekend, she promised me I would go on a nice walk on Sunday.

As usual Mom came through. Mom took me swimming. After my swim rope was attached to me, I ran to the water. Boy was I surprised, the water was a lot colder than last week. I did not even get all wet. I ran in, then stopped and stood still. Brrrr my belly sure was cold. Mom tried to get me to go back in, but I didn’t want to go. Mom was OK with that. She took my picture and we continued our walk.

My teeth must have been chattering when she took this picture. I have a funny face!!!!


Until next time,

Izzy signing out

Oh yes, I love being with Mom.

September 18, 2011

Izzy here.

Yesterday Mom had a very busy day. I woke her up at 6 to start the day. Hmmmm when I came back in she was sound asleep in her sleeping bag. She didn’t wake up until after Dad was up and the coffee was made.

Anyhow, Mom and Dad went to a wedding, then of course the reception. Mom didn’t have time to take me for a walk so she promised me a walk today. In place the walk yesterday, she sat on the floor with me and I relaxed with her. Just look at the picture and you will see just how comfy I was.

That is me relaxing with my foot on Mom's leg.


So now let’s get to today. Remember I said Mom promised to take me on a long walk? Well, she did. We went to visit Mom’s Mom at the chamber office, then we watched the research vessel, the Seth Greene dock. While we were watching, there was a young male golden waiting for his dad. Mom and I went to visit the dog. He had a lot of energy, but he was nice. Mom told me later that she thought the owner should walk him more often to get control of him. Of course I am perfect. Woof Woof Woof.

Our walk continued, we stopped for a drink of water. Mom always carries water in that sack on her back for me. Mom had a surprise for me. We walked and walked, finally we stopped. Mom took off the sack on her back and got out my swimming rope. Mom took me swimming. I was sooooo happy. I had never gone swimming at this spot before. It was fun.

I love being with my Mom!!!!

Until next time,

Izzy, signing out.

Mom is soooo good to me!!!!

September 10, 2011

Izzy here!!!!

Mom has been in search of something for me to chew on. I am do not destroy thing, but I do like to have a good chew now and then. Ted liked the basic bone, but I never really got into that. Mom does not like me to chew on raw hide as I can demolish it in just a few minutes. Mom heard about bully sticks and how wonderful they are, next thing I know I am gnawing on a bully stick. Do you really know what those are??? Well anyhow, I consumed that in a matter of minutes as well.

Many years ago, Mom had a dog named Tigger. Mom mentions Tigger once in a while. Anyhow, Tigger loved to chew on cow hooves. Mom remembered how much Tigger enjoyed those and decided to get some for me, well I just love them too. At first I crack of pieces of the hoof, and Mom picks them up, after that I just gnaw away. My teeth are nice an white now. (Mom here, I have found the best quality hooves come from a feed store in my area, Blue Seal Feeds. The hooves from the pet stores are too brittle.)

For a variety of things for me to chew on, Mom bought me a large white bone. Missy likes to chew on it too, but she can’t pick it up. It is rather funny to watch. Anyhow, I my Mom has made my day again!!!! Oh, a friend of brought over deer antlers for me. At first I didn’t know what to do with it. It looks like a stick but it is not soft. Believe it or not, Hank will run around like a mad man throwing the antler in the air and chasing it. Now is that the way for a 12 year old, 23 pound dog to act? Well, Hank is my older brother and is very active, always has been. I wish Icould jump as high and run as fast as he can.

Mom says Hank is her protector. He will alert her to anything that she needs to know about. Once he does that, I will go look at what needs to be looked at. Usually it is a squirrel up a tree, but sometimes it is a loose dog in the area, or (this is a good one) the UPS truck just driving by. Well, he has a job and he does it well.

Mom has finally found what she is comfortable with me chewing on. She is happy with my teeth and that I enjoy gnawing on the hooves and knuckle bone. I don’t think she will ever buy bully sticks again (I am so glad about that).

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

OH NO!!!! Please Mom stay home with us!!!!

September 5, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!! I overheard Mom talking to Dad the other day and found out that another school year is about to begin. What does that mean to me????? It means long days waiting for Mom!!!! I do have a job to do though. My job is to make sure the house is neat and orderly when she gets home. I have promised not to mess the bed up when I take my morning and afternoon naps. I have promised not to do the laundry or the dishes while she is gone. I have promised to greet Mom at the door (if I am not napping that is) when she arrives home from work.

During my eaves dropping session, I heard Mom tell Dad that she will need to go on weekend adventures in our movable home. Dad says that would be fine. We won’t travel very far, but it is a change that Mom needs. The good part is we all will go on the adventure as well. I will keep you posted on our adventures.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.