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Mulligan is feeling better!!!!

December 3, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

My baby brother is feeling much better. I am so glad too. We are becoming very good friends. These videos says it all. 

Until next time,

Izzy signing out!!!

Mulligan has a cold!!!!

December 1, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

My little brother has a little cough when he gets excited. He is eating and drinking just fine. His nose is a tad runny, so Mom called the vet today, Dad picked up some antibiotics. Mom is soooo good to all of us. I am so happy Mulligan is with us or he may not have been taken care of on the farm. People would not have noticed his cough.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out!!!!

Today we walked in honor of Ted E. Bear!!!

November 29, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

It has been 5 months without Ted E. Bear. As many of you know, my family has had many devastating events over the past year. I won’t bore you with the details, but I will say, enough is enough!!!! Mulligan has been a blessing to us all. He has no idea of the energy he has brought into this family.

Today, even with the wind whipping, rain coming down, temperature being 42, Mom put jackets on Mulligan and me and out the door we went for a walk.  We walked all around town, remembering all the things we did with Ted. All the people we met with him, all the people who wanted to met us because of Ted. Mulligan was such a good boy on this walk, he was so focused on walking, he didn’t wander very much. I think he knew this was a special walk.

Ted, we all miss you. We know you are watching us and having a good laugh at Mulligan!!!! Thank you for teaching me how to be a good sister and teaching Mom how to be a good Mom.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

Our walk today!!!!

November 28, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

Mom and Dad went to work after a long weekend. Whew am I glad, I needed my rest. This house is so active when they are home. Anyhow, I had a good nap today waiting for Mom to get home.

As soon as Mom was ready, Mulligan and I headed out with her for our walk. For some reason, Mulligan wanted to show me how much fun it was on the playground. He showed me all the things he can do. He is really good at jumping on the different platforms, he sure is a quick little guy. Then we wandered to the baseball diamond and did some serious sniffing. That sure was fun. Next it was off to the streets, first stop, our friend Shannon. I have known her all my life, she helped teach me all the things I know.  Off we go again, Mulligan, the silly boy, finds a small apple and carries it around with him for 15 minutes. Of course, he can’t keep it in his mouth the entire time, he spits it out and chases it. He was having a grand time with it. I smiled and just kept walking. Finally he loses the apple, then he finds a pine cone to carry. I don’t think he had as much fun with that, he didn’t keep it long.

Mulligan is learning a lot. Mom has switched from the flexi leash back to the short leather leash for each of us. I know I like it better and I hear Mom saying she likes it better too. Mulligan is doing very well with it too. We are both sitting nicely at the intersections for Mom. When a car comes, we get close to Mom and sit. We are always doing things in a safe manner, Mom does not want anything to happen to us.

After about an hour, we are back home. I head back outside to relax, Mulligan stayed inside with Mom. Before I know it, Dad is home and my family is together again, just the way I like it.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out


Mulligan is quite a boy!!!!

November 26, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

Good morning!!!! All is well in our house since the arrival of my little brother Mulligan. He is learning a lot. I must say, he is a quick study. Mom is very happy that he can run free and stay close by. She knows if she let me off the leash, I would be distracted and get myself into trouble. I am just an independent girl.

That silly boy actually will retrieve. I have no idea why he would do it. He is not the one who rolled the ball, but he still goes and gets it. Mom and Dad seem to like it, so if they are happy, I am happy. You won’t see me doing it.

Mom recorded the videos below of Mulligan this morning. Apparently she takes him out on his own while I am napping outside. I know I will have my special time with Mom later. Anyways, here are the videos of the boy.


Until next time,

Izzy signing out.


Ted is certainly watching Mom and I!!!!

November 20, 2011

Izzy signing in, again,

A friend of mine came to see me and meet Mulligan the other day and took a variety of pictures of us. I heard her ask Mom to to send her pictures of Ted. Take a look at this picture!!!! I wonder if Mom can use it for our ID picture as registered Therapy Partners.



Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

My post beauty parlor picture!!!!

November 20, 2011

Izzy signing in.

Mom and Dad took Mulligan and I for a walk. I was sitting watching a squirrel and Mom snapped the picture!!!! I think I look very intense.

Until next time,
Izzy signing out.

We passed!!!!!!

November 20, 2011

Izzy signing in,

After an hour and a half car ride, hour wait, we began our evaluation. Mom and I went in and talked with a nice lady named Sue. Mom and Sue talked about what was to come and she gave Mom some pointers. Finally we went in, Mom walked me around the room so I could get more comfortable. Let me tell you, the room was warm and Mom spoke to the evaluator about it. Mom let her know that much of my panting is normal, but the room is warm which is unusual for me.

I just do not know why Mom was so nervous. She knows me like the back of her hand. She knew the one exercise that I would hesitate on. Those silly people, I didn’t want to be in that warm room and found the door to the outside. Mom talked to the evaluator about it. When it came to that one exercise, the evaluator was to pet me and Mom was to call me. That is all fine and dandy, I will go to Mom. Here is the thing, the evaluator and I are next to that exit door and Mom is all the way across the room. Now I am not stupid and neither is Mom. Mom said, “I can tell you right now, Izzy wants to go out that door, she is hot and wants fresh air.” So, the evaluator said, “Let’s see what she does.” Well, Mom called me, I wagged my tail and did not move. Ha, Mom told her so. The evaluator smiled, and moved me away from the door to another corner of the room. Mom called and I came without hesitation. Mom knew, another feather in our cap. Woof.

After all was done, the evaluator passed us. The only concern was the environment we would go in. She said some places are hot, Mom said, then we won’t go there. I would never be put in a situation that is uncomfortable for Mom or me.

Oh, Oh, at the beginning of the evaluation, Mom spoke of Ted and showed all the people my pink tripawd pendant. She told them we were doing this in his honor. The evaluator said, this is hard for the two of you to do without him. Mom said, “Yes”

We did it Ted E. Bear!!!! Thank you for watching over us. We love and miss you very much.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Tomorrow is our big day!!!!

November 19, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

Today I went to the beauty parlor, so I am soooo very soft and sporting a bright red bandanna. My nails are all buffed up, and my long toe hair is all trimmed up. I am sooo very pretty.

Tomorrow Mom and I have our evaluation. I know Mom is nervous, but I will do her proud.

Happy Thoughts at NOON!!!

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

Here is a good picture of Mom and Mulligan!!!!

November 17, 2011

Izzy here!!!!

I just thought everyone would like to see Mom and Mulligan. He is such a goofy boy. He is a boy, which answers a lot of questions. LOL

Oh I heard he went to the vet.  Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!

Mulligan received his first round of shots and he is a healthy boy. He didn’t even have any fleas. He did however have round worms. So he had to have some medicine for that. Doc said it is common for a pup to have worms. So he is a common dog.

Here is Mom and Mulligan!!!!

Mom and Mulligan

LOL I just had to put Mom and Me in!!!!
Until next time,
Izzy signing out