February 27, 2011
Well, Izzy, my beautiful sister, has been a bed hog!!! She pushed Dad right out of bed and he slept on the couch last night. Woof, Woof, Woof!!! Due to my hoggy sister, Mom and Dad have decided that tonight, we can all sleep wherever we want tonight. I have not decided what I want to do. I will have all day to ponder my decision. Dad really does need to sleep in the bed and not on the couch. He is healing too.
I will let you know how it goes.
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
February 26, 2011
Mom just remembered, today is my one month ampuversary!!! Here is what I remember, I woke up in the morning and I was in this strange place. I was waiting for my Mom or Dad to get me out of the cage and take me outside, then feed me. Well that did not happen. A stranger came and got me and took me for a short walk. I remember it was snowing outside. Then I was given something and I went to sleep. Next thing I knew I was waking up and was very confused. I could not move very well. I felt like I was being held down or something.
I did hear the phone ring, the person on the phone looked at me and smiled. I think my Mom called to check on me. The person, Jamie, said I did very well and if I pee and eat on my own I can go home tomorrow!!! Well, what do you think I did right away, well, I think it was right away. Yup, I would eat and pee when they take me outside.
The world started to become more clear to me later that night. I noticed I had been shaved and, well, I was missing a leg. Hmmm I guess that is what Mom and Dad were so upset about yesterday. I will show them, I thought, I will be good as new in no time. I also figured something out, if I started barking, someone would come over and open my cage. Then they would sit with me and pet me. Boy did I like that. That was my plan, I would get as much attention as I could get until my Mom and Dad would come and rescue me.
Morning arrived, more time passed, then the phone rang. I just knew my Mom was calling. Yup, it was her. They are coming to get me. Yippy!!! I had my way with the workers here in the hospital and got their undivided attention until my Mom and Dad showed up. Oh boy, I think I can hear them, I think I can hear them. I am going to whine and bark. I just know it is them. I can hear them. Yeah!!! Homeward bound I go!!!
So that is what I went through 1 month ago today!!!
mile stones |
Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
February 23, 2011
I am feeling soooo good today!!! I woke everyone up by 5:30 to get the day started. Yes it is still dark but I just wanted to get some fresh air. Dad had to slow me down going down the stairs, man I just wanted to get outside. I did what I had to do and let the world know I am up and ready to go.
Breakfast was ready as soon as I went back inside. Dad is soooo good to me. Now it is relax time. Here is my spot!!!

Oh yeah!!! My couch!!!
Pictures |
Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
February 22, 2011
As I looked outside this afternoon, I longed for a walk. Must be Mom could read my mind. She asked Dad if he wanted to go for a walk with Izzy. Soooo, the four of us went for a walk. It was great. The sun was out, the air was brisk and I was walking with my Mom, Dad, and sister. I was in heaven. We didn’t go very far, but I did it. My ears were flopping like bunny ears, and I had a big smile on my smoosh!!!
Thank you Mom and Dad for taking me for a walk!!!
mile stones |
Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
February 19, 2011
Yeah, today Mom and Dad took me for a short walk. Mom put that harness on me. She adjusted it a few times. I am not sure if she is happy with how it fits yet, but I know she will get it. Dad went down the stairs first just incase I needed help. I am Mr. Independent and went down those steps like a champ. Mom used the flexi thing and I just loved it. I went ahead of them, then stopped to wait. Then ahead I went again. It was a blast. I think we went for 1/4 of a mile today. Mom said next time we go Izzy will go too.
Oh, I also have my shirt off. I have been good, no licking. It sure feels good to have it off.
What a wonderful Saturday for my family and me!!!
mile stones |
Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
February 16, 2011
Dr. Robinson from Veterinary Medical of Central New York called Mom today! It must have been good news. She was like jumping for joy!!!
The reason the results took so long was because no conclusive results could be found that cancer was present. Therefore, there is no evidence of Ostiosaracoma. The cells almost looked normal, Dr. Robinson said it was low grade.
As for the reason for the bone to be the way it was??? Could be the level of bone formation, or an immature bone. It is just a guess.
All I know Mom and Dad are very, very, very happy. They even gave me a taste of a meatball after dinner for celebration. Yes, I know I am to lose weight. Can’t help celebrating such good news!!!
Woof, Woof!!!
I do not need any further treatment. I am healthy!!!
mile stones |
Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
February 14, 2011
Look on the “Tripawd Pics!!!” page!!!
Ted is modeling his new harness. The harness has not been adjusted perfectly yet, but you get the idea.
General, Pictures |
Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister