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Mom and Dad postponed our departure!!!!

July 18, 2011

I heard Mom and Dad talking this morning about the weather. We had a storm pass through early this morning, Mom was up, but Dad was sleeping. I did very well, if I don’t say so myself, I was nervous at first and climbed on Mom a bit. She had to shut windows so I decided to find my favorite pillow and relax the best I could. Mom came back, and I looked at her, she smiled and was close by. I eventually fell asleep. Thank you Ted for watching over me.

Anyhow, Dad suggested we stay home tonight as another  storm will be coming this afternoon. Sooo, we will leave tomorrow sometime. I am sure they know what to do and what is best for all of us. I just love them.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Our next adventure starts tomorrow!!!!

July 17, 2011


Last week I was really starting to wonder if we were really going on our adventure because the movable home was stuck in the back yard. Just look at what Mom did!!!!

The movable home is way back there. See it?

This is the hole the movable home had in front of it.

 Then this past week, Mom and a friend of hers worked really hard. The truck and trailer kept leaving and returning, then could hear loud engines at work. Well, below you can see what they were doing.

There that is better.


Whew the movable home can now get out of the back yard!!!!

Now we can go!!!! I know it will be a different without Ted, but I am certain he will be with us making sure we are having a good time. I will be sure to let everyone know how the adventure goes as well as my appointment with Dr. Robinson. I don’t think we will have internet where we are headed so we will be unplugged for 5 days. Oh no, what am I going to do!!!! Oh yes, enjoy the adventure.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.





I have my appointment with Dr. Robinson

July 14, 2011

Mom has been busy on the phone this morning. She is such a busy person. I just love to watch her, she does not seem to stop moving until Dad gets home. Anyhow, Mom called 3 different vet offices today getting things set for me. Mom is having all of my medical records sent to Dr. R and Dad is to pick up a CD with my x-rays. On July 21, I will be visiting Dr. Robinson. He will evaluate me, whatever that means, and hopefully have answers why I am limping.

All I know is, Mom and Dad is real concerned about my limping. I really try hard not to because I know it worries my family. I will be real good for Dr. R so he can figure out what is wrong. I will let everyone know what the outcome is as soon as we know.

In the mean time, I hear my next adventure is on the way. We will be traveling again to new and exciting places. I am not sure what we are going to do, but I know it will be fun.

Until next time,

Izzy, signing out.

Here I am in my Pup tent!!!!

July 14, 2011

Ted was such a silly boy at such a young age. Mom set up this pup tent (get it???) for us in the living room. Other people laughed at her, but she knew what she was doing. She made it real comfy for us. Here we are enjoying our tent. Notice I am just sleeping away while Ted is thinking of things to do.


Here I am in the tent by myself. Ted, being the big strong silly boy, would grab a corner of the tent and take me for a ride around the living room. Oh my, that was such fun.


Here is a picture of MEEEEEEE!!!!!!

July 13, 2011

I just thought you would like to see what I looked like!!!! I can’t remember if  you really know what I look like, so here I am.


Mom is really concerned about me!!!!

July 13, 2011

In May, Mom took me to have x-rays because I have been limping. Nothing showed up on the x-rays, all is normal. Mom had me rest and rest. Since the passing of Ted, Mom has been noticing that I am still  limping periodically. I do not limp all the time, but still Mom is concerned.

Here is the plan. Dr. C, my regular vet is referring me to Dr. R for further evaluation. You see Dr. R is the Dr. that took care of  Ted for his amputation. My x-rays from May will be sent to Dr. R as well as my other records. Mom wants to get to the bottom of this asap.

I just love my Mom.

Izzy signing out.

Whew what a day!!!!

July 10, 2011

Izzy here reporting in. My family made it through the busiest day of the year in our village. I have to tell you, I was so busy watching the floats being put together. You see, the parade is assembled right next door so people bring their floats and do the finishing touches right next door. Sooo many people, sooo many things to watch. I did bark at one man. I didn’t like the fact he came close to my area. It was a gentle bark, but he went back where he was suppose to be. The kids can come see me, but that one guy I just didn’t like. My brother and sister spent a lot of time inside watching the front yard and the people on the porch.

During the parade, Mom and Dad made sure we were all safe inside the house as they had to pull a couple of those floats with their vehicles. I heard Mom talking about wanting me to be in the parade too, but very quickly decided it would not be a good idea as I would be too hot, even with the windows down. After the parade, Mom came home and gave me a big hug. She said she made the right choice, I would have been tooo hot. It would have been fun though I just know it.

Now comes the evening. I just knew something different was going to happen. My ramp was all set for me to get in the trailblazer, so I could just feel it, I am going with Mom and Dad. Yup, out the door Mom, Dad and I go. We all went to Grandma’s house. I am not sure why I was able to go, but I was a happy girl. Well, until…….

YUP, it got dark and then a lot of loud noises started, then bright lights flashed in the sky. I was not a happy girl, I was panting, as well as shaking. Mom and Dad comforted me, but I decided to get some attention by some other family members. Mom was close by as she had my leash. Finally I decided to lay down between two chairs. Mom was right there touching me. I stopped shaking and watched the lights in the sky. I am still not sure I like it, but it was better than being home a lone.

Overall, we all had a very nice day. All 5 of us were very tired and slept very well.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Busy weekend here in the Cape!!!!

July 8, 2011

Izzy reporting in!!!! Just knew it, Mom was soooo busy today working around the house, I just knew something special was happening very soon. Mom started our day with a walk with Grandma. The talked and talked about food, it made me very hungry. Then they talked about other stuff, like a parade. I guess Mom and Dad are in the parade. Mom mentioned having to was both vehicles, so they must be driving them in the parade. After our walk, Mom got right to work painting by the front door. I was not allowed to help. I just had to watch from behind a gate. I just know I could have helped spread that black paint. Then Mom went outside and started that machine she rides all around the yard. When she is done, the grass is shorter, but it smells sooo nice. Back inside she came, gave me lots of lovin of course. Then she went to work in the kitchen for a while. Then she went outside and did some work in the garage. Next thing I know, I am on a leash and going outside. Mom’s vehicle is in the front yard, the hose is out and a shepherd’s hook in the yard too. Mom walks me to the hook, and takes the leash off me and hooks a rope to me.

Hmmm I am attached to the shepherd’s hook. I have never been in the front yard like this. I was not sure what to do, so I went to the end of the rope and watched world go by. Mom kept an eye on me, but she was also busy washing that big maroon thing. It was fun in the front yard, a different feeling for me. Mom put the maroon thing away, came and got me and off on another short walk we went. This time I was on a rope and Mom was practicing my recall. Hmmm not sure if I really want to remember what recall is, but I tried. It was really hot so we went back home. It was fun while it lasted.

Ok so next thing I know people start arriving at our house. They start talking about French Festival. I asked Mom to help me with this part. Here is the link so you all can see what is happening in our village.

Thanks Mom. I am also noticing a lot more people in town. If I remember correctly, I will see lots visiting our house. I love meeting new people. Oh I also remember fireworks. I will report back on Sunday to let you know how those go. I think I will be with Mom and Dad at Grandma’s house. I sure hope so. I will try to think positive about fireworks this year. 

I hope you enjoyed the link. I will let you know how the weekend goes next time.

Until next time.

Izzy signing off.

Ted in Heaven!!!

July 7, 2011

No words are needed!!!

One week has past!!!!

July 7, 2011

Izzy checking in. One week ago we began out life with out Ted. We all have had our ups and downs. Mom and Dad have given my siblings and I lots of hugs and kisses.  We have all missed his goofiness and his way of checking up on all of us. I have taken over some of his tasks. Now it is my job to be sure all are up to bed on time. Last night I made a point to get everyone upstairs and in bed. Man, he sure had his hands full with Missy, she likes to clean up the floor after all of our snacks.

I am finding that I have missed out on a lot of attention. I would watch Ted follow Mom and Dad around the house and think, “What a goofy boy, it is just as easy to lay here in the pillow and watch the world go by.” Boy, did I miss out. Now I am up following them around getting all kinds of lovin. 😛

I do miss Ted terribly. I know he is watching as he is guiding me each and everyday. With him watching, I am being watchful over my family and making sure they are ok. We have many adventures ahead of us, and we will do them all together.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out!!!!