August 28, 2011
Izzy here!!!!
Well now, this has been an adventure for sure. Our first night here Mom went to dirt track races and came home all dusty. That is ok, I still love her. She took me out for a long walk in the dark. That was fun. Saturday we just relaxed all day. It was fun, I sat outside on my little patio and watched the river.
Saturday evening we went to an outside play. It was fun to see the different people. We sat in the back row and I had to lay at Mom’s feet. That was ok because as you know, I love her. It started to rain so we left the play early. We all hunkered down for the night.
During the night it really started to rain, I mean in buckets. Mom was very concerned about the creek that was behind the movable home. We took a long walk in the rain and went to ask about the rising water. The owners, at that point, said we don’t have anything to worry about. If it gets too high, they will come to our door and ask us to move.
Wellll, 1:30 there was a knock at the door. Hank of course had to talk and make a fuss. Well, we moved to higher ground to be safe. That is ok, we are all together and safe. Below you will see Hank and I taking a nap after helping with the move. Mom put a blanket on Hank as he is older and wet. I am sure he is a tad cold. Mom takes such good care of all of us.

- Hank napping with me.
Oh I just had to post Hank under the blanket.

Silly brother of mine.
The rain has let up as well as the wind. I think we are all a good time overall. I get to walk in the rain with my Mom, brother and sister.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out
Izzy here again!!!! Mom took me for an extra walk this evening and I thought I saw a kitty cat. But for some reason, Mom pulled me back and said that is not a kitty. Let’s not mess with that tonight.
Man, what was that cute black and white furry thing. All I wanted to do was play with it.
Night all,
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
August 26, 2011
Izzy here, again!!!! The KOA we stayed at was nice. It had a dog park, you can see a bit of it in the pictures below. It was nice to be able to investigate things without having that darn leash on. Mom and Dad like the dog park too, but they said the campsites were too little. We were squished together. It all worked out, so no big deal. Take a look at the pictures, let me know what you think.

I liked iinvestigating that little house.

Here I am waiting for Mom to take the picture. My boy Hank is behind me.
Today we had a long drive to a new place. Below I am showing you my movable house all set up. I think I will go inside and get cooled off. Mom has the AC on for me, oh yes for Missy and Hank too.

This is my movable house at Tall Pines Campground.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out.
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
August 1, 2011
Izzy here, I decided Mom should get up at 5:30 yesterday morning. As usual, she did what I asked. Well, she took this picture of me!!!!

I got up too early!!!!
Until next time,
Izzy signing out
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
July 31, 2011
Izzy reporting in this morning. I am sure loving life these days. Mom took me for a walk bright and early this morning, 6:30, I have a feeling Mom’s Mom had something to do with it. I was wide awake, but Mom, well not really. Good thing I was there to guide her. Woof.
Mom and Dad let me tend to the house during the day, so when they returned I was all set to go out for another walk. Mom and I went to an outside concert together. I saw many people and of course was given lots of attention. Mom said I was a real good girl. I would sit for a bit, then make my rounds to my family members, then come back to Mom and lay down for a bit, then I would start the cycle all over again. Here I am laying down.

Oh my, what a good girl I am.
I wonder what my next adventure is???? I will let you know!!!!
Until next time,
Izzy signing out!!!!
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
July 20, 2011
We made it!!!! Finally in my movable home again. We didn’t go very far from home, but still, we are out and about. Below is ME!!!! Yes, once that table is out of the way, I claim my spot.

Happy camper I am!!!!
Mom and I went for a walk before bed. We saw a couple of deer way up in the meadow. I just watched then Mom took this video of me. I just love walking along. Here is a short video Mom took of me.
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister
July 17, 2011
Last week I was really starting to wonder if we were really going on our adventure because the movable home was stuck in the back yard. Just look at what Mom did!!!!

- The movable home is way back there. See it?

This is the hole the movable home had in front of it.
Then this past week, Mom and a friend of hers worked really hard. The truck and trailer kept leaving and returning, then could hear loud engines at work. Well, below you can see what they were doing.

There that is better.

Whew the movable home can now get out of the back yard!!!!
Now we can go!!!! I know it will be a different without Ted, but I am certain he will be with us making sure we are having a good time. I will be sure to let everyone know how the adventure goes as well as my appointment with Dr. Robinson. I don’t think we will have internet where we are headed so we will be unplugged for 5 days. Oh no, what am I going to do!!!! Oh yes, enjoy the adventure.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out.
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Posted by Izzy, Ted's sister