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The video you were waiting for.

Izzy signing in!!!

Mom took Mulligan for a run in the snow without me. I knew they would be back, Mom wanted to take a video or 2 of Mulligan in his new boots. He is such a smarty pants. She put one on him as soon as she got the boots in the mail, he did great. Then while out in the snow she put another one on. Well that one didn’t stay on very well. I think it was because she was in the snow and it the wind was blowing up a gale. After a bit we went inside to warm up. The she put all four boots on him, as usual he did just what she wanted him to do. He kept the boots on the whole time and the two of them played ball while I wandered around in the backyard happy as can be.

Today was the day for videos. I was not upset as I knew what was happening. Off the went, I watched from home. I sure hope you enjoy the video. Mulligan is the star of the show, as usual.

Mulligan’s new boots!

Until next time,

Izzy signing off.



5 Responses to “The video you were waiting for.”

  1.   benny55 Says:

    Glorious video!! I’m exhausted just watching it!

    Mulligan, you sure look stylish in your new booties!! I think they make you look exceptionaly graceful as you pound through the snow like a race horse!

    Whenever you post…which is notoften enough…I like to go back an re-visit some of the wonderful videos and pictures of Ted E. Bear and all the adventures of you and Hank. Ted E. Bear will never be forgotten here! Such a fun boy!

    Izzie, you really write well! Mulligan is lucky to have you to chronicle all yor adventures! And the music you add really gives the video just the right touch!

    Looking forward to more!!!

    Sending hugs to all!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Sally and Happy Hannah,
      Thank you for the wonderful comment on the video. It is hard to make when I don’t have any thumbs. I count on Mom to help me with this. Mom just made a video on her own as I am in the video. I will have her post it today for you to see.

      Hugs right back at you,


  2.   maximutt Says:

    Hey Izzy! Looks like your little bro really likes the snow! You are a very good big sister, letting your brother have a special day with his Mom!

  3.   jerry Says:

    Love love love seeing Mully having a ball in his new shoes! He’s going to go far in them. WHEEEEE!

    Thanks for sharing the video, it’s so great to see how well he adapted to them.

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