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Cold Winter Wonderland!!!!

Izzy signing in!!!!

2013 went out with quite a bang. My family and friends have gone through many rough days of winter weather. A few days before Christmas, our area was hit with an ice storm. Many homes lost power, many were in a brown out, and others did not lose power at all. All properties lost many branches and limbs. My nice play area had many limbs, which I did not like at all. Dad came in and cleared the branches out so I would feel comfortable again. I heard Mom and Dad talking and they were saying we had over an inch of ice on the branches. Mulligan and I go outside with Mom and Dad to  play, well he chases a ball and I explore. Anyhow, with the ice, we had to be very, very careful not to slip and slide. We have such protective parents you know.

After the icing finally stopped, we started to get snow on top of the ice. People still were without power and now, the ice was slipperier than before. Mully and I could not go out and play anymore for fear we would get hurt. Then the temperature dropped to around zero for a few days, therefore the ice would not melt. New Year’s Eve, more than a foot of snow fell, which meant more work to be done.

In comes 2014, holy warmness. The temperature went up, the rain came down, and mud season returned. We were glad to get rid of the ice, but not happy about the mud. Mom was wiping our feet all the time. Less than a week later the temp was back to the 20’s. Then a week later, the temperature dropped to below zero for over a week. Schools were either closed or delayed due to the wind chill of -40 or worse. Mulligan’s feet could not take the coldness of the ice, so Mom ordered him boots. Mom decided to order from this site because the products sold here are quality items.. I can not wait to see him with the boots on. I am sure he will walk funny at first. Today the temperature was great, the snow fell gently and Mulligan and I went out and played for the longest time since the new year began.

Update on Mulligan: his mast cells seem to be under control. He takes benedryl twice a day. No other tumors have returned, everyday is a gift with him. I really love my brother. He is a goof ball, as most goldens are.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

3 Responses to “Cold Winter Wonderland!!!!”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!! That story made me cold!!!! Izzy, you and your family need to visit Southern California. We are in January and we’re supposed to be in the 80s this coming week! Very crazy weather!
    I’m glad to hear everyone in your family is doing well, especially Mulligan with his mast cells. I know you’re a very good big sister to him! Be sure to get some video of Mully walking with his new boots!! That sounds really funny!!

  2.   jerry Says:

    Oh thank you Cheryl, I am glad to hear that despite the weather things are great for you guys. YAY for beating that Mast Cell Cancer! WOOOHOO!

    I sincerely hope that the weather starts to behave itself, I can’t even imagine how annoying that is. I’ll bet all of you are having dreams of summer RV trips!

    Keep in touch, it’s wonderful to hear from you and thanks for supporting our community, you’re great!

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