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Our last adventure of the season!!!!

Izzy signing in.

We took one last trip in my movable home this weekend.  We went to my favorite place and we all went for a nice run in the fields. Yes, STREAMSIDE is exactly where we went. Mom tries to take pictures of all of us while we are out and about, but she gets so caught up in just watching us, she forgets. I am here to tell you we had a wonderful time.

Today Dad took my brothers and sister in the truck shopping while Mom stayed with the movable home. Dad said something about getting the grocery shopping done while Mom worked with the men getting the movable home ready for winter storage. So, off we go. When we returned to Mom, they hooked the movable home up to the truck and we were homeward bound. Mom was soaking wet as it was raining out, but she did not care. Both were happy with the work completed by the men. The final step will be to clean the inside of the movable home and cover it up.

I hear the next trip will be to Washington D.C. in April. I have no idea where that is, but it sounds exciting. I am sure Mom and Dad will have special things for us to do.

Oh yes, here I am at home. I just came inside, it is raining out so I am a little wet.

Until next time,


Izzy signing out.

4 Responses to “Our last adventure of the season!!!!”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    Izzy, you are such a lucky girl to have so many adventures!! I can’t wait to hear about your upcoming Washington DC trip. I wonder if you might meet a dog named Bo? I hear he lives in a pretty nice place in DC!

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Oh boy, I will have Mom see about me meeting Bo. I hear it is a 2 day trip to get to DC, but I love to ride in the Big Red Truck.


  2.   jerry Says:

    You’re all growed up Izzy!

    Bummer you had to put the doghouse on wheels away for winter, but I’ll bet that you’re gonna have a great time romping in the snow.

  3.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    yes it is a bummer, but I am sure winter will be fun with Mom and Dad. I am hoping for a lot of snow to roll in.


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