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Mulligan is a very funny boy!!!!

Izzy signing in,

Well, where do I start. Our boy is almost 10 months old now. I am hearing that he will be trained to a remote collar, whatever that means. Maybe he is going to become a robot or something. Or maybe Mom will have him dance periodically.

AsĀ  most of you know, my family and I went on a vacation for a week in my new home on wheels. Let me tell you, I love it. We have so much more room to relax and spread out, it is amazing. Mulligan is getting the hang of it, but he still is overwhelmed when we first get set up, he has to talk all the time, not bark, but tell stories. I am sure the stories are quite interesting, but really now.

Last night though he was so goofy, good thing Mom loves him. He is so tall, he is counter surfing, not for food, but things. He brought Mom the following, a slipper (that was from the bedroom floor), a wallet, a pencil, and a magazine. When he was in the house alone with Mom, he had the zoomies. He brought in a rock from outside and ran around the downstairs like a mad man. I could hear him and I was outside.

Mom has been very busy after work and has not had time to take us for a walk. I bet she will tonight. Mulligan really needs a good run, even I can see it.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

7 Responses to “Mulligan is a very funny boy!!!!”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    Wow, Mulligan would make a good helper dog some day. I’m not sure if your Mom needed one slipper, the wallet, the pencil or the magazine; but if she did, Mulligan did a great job!!

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Oh Mom just giggled when the items arrived. She does know she has to watch him closely though.


  2.   etgayle Says:

    izzy, you are such a tolerant and loving sister!!!! sounds like mulligan is growing up fast, and keeps all of you on your toes. great update!!

    charon & spirit gayle

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Yes, Mulligan is growing up way too fast for us. He is soooo big. We all love him though.


  3.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Let me think about what Mulligan was trying to do. Well, if you ever lose a leg (he knows about that, I’m sure), you will need one slipper. So he was thinking you might put on a comfy slipper to hop to the store and buy a crossword puzzle book! Then you’d sit down with that and the pencil and have a magazine to spare. Maybe? Sounds good to me!

    Love, Dakota

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      D Dawg,
      That is pretty good. Maybe that is what Mulligan is trying to do. He is really a silly boy. He is so helpful.

      Love, Izzy

  4.   wyattraydawg Says:

    What? A BIGGER doghouse on wheels? Can I borrow it? I live in a teeny tiny one!

    And as for the remote collar. HAHAHAHA! I know what THAT means!


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