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Mom has been very busy!!!!

Izzy signing in.

We have such a busy life here in our little village. As most of you know, Mom, Mulligan and I try to walk everyday around the village to meet people and see the sights. You saw in my last post our walk in the rain with our wonderful coats. We really do not mind wearing them either.

Since my last post, I heard Mom and Dad talking, do you know what they did????? They traded my movable house with the engine to a movable house without an engine. Hmmmm, they didn’t ask me if that was ok or not. If I know my Mom and Dad, I am sure all will be ok, but it would have been nice to have a say in the decision. I will keep you posted on that new movable house.

Then Mom was gone for a few days, like 5 days to be exact. I counted!!!! It was too long, I really missed her and Mulligan was very antsy. I know he really missed her. He would take things that he shouldn’t, like Dad’s slippers, Mom’s shoes. He didn’t hurt them, just move them around the house. I found out she went to see Mom’s Mom. She had a good time, but was glad to get back to see me. I just know she missed me the most.

Now she is home and we have been walking again every day. We just love it. Oh yes, here is a picture of Mulligan with Mom after she got home. I think he really missed her.


Until next time,

Izzy signing out!!!

4 Responses to “Mom has been very busy!!!!”

  1.   tinakc Says:

    We have a movable home without an engine. A truck pulls it and it is nice because I get to ride with the family in the truck. I hope you like your new moveable home.
    By the way, I miss my Mom when she goes to see her Mom too.

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Oh yes, we have a big red ford truck to pull the movable home. Mom puts the ramp up for me to get in. My brothers and sister and I get the whole back seat to our selves. Shhhhh I think we have more room than Mom and Dad. It will be an adventure for sure.


  2.   etgayle Says:

    izzy, glad your mom’s home…and we think she likes you best too, but don’t tell mulligan – it might hurt his feelings..

    charon & spirit gayle

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Oh I would not want to hurt Mulligan’s feelings. So I will keep it to myself. Oh boy we are all glad Mom is home.


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