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Mulligan is so easy to play with!!!

Izzy signing in!!!!

Happy February!!!! We have just a bit of snow and ice. I asked Mom to get a video of my brother and I outside. This is what she got!!!!

Mulligan just loves to play ball. He actually drives Mom nuts sometimes though. He does nicely playing by himself, but the ball usually ends up under a couch or chair. You know what Mom has to do, yup, retrieve the ball for Mulligan. Such a silly boy. You know, maybe that is exactly what he wants her to do though.

Hope you enjoyed the short video.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.


5 Responses to “Mulligan is so easy to play with!!!”

  1.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Mulligan is a smart boy. He learned to play a new game, to make himself happy without driving you or your mom nuts! Good boy Mulligan!

    Love, Dakota

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    D Dawg,
    Yes, my brother is a smarty pants alright. I will keep him. He reminds me of Ted.

    Love, Izzy

  3.   tinakc Says:

    So very cute. Love how Mulligan plays well outside by himself and plays the game he taught you (go fetch Mom go fetch) inside. Smart guy.

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Yes Mulligan came off a farm at the age of 4 months, he had been playing and sleeping with the calves. He has always been able to entertain himself when others were not interested in playing. We all love him very much.


  4.   wyattraydawg Says:

    Bring it on, I want some snow too!

    Looks like fun up there. If you ever get too much, send it my way but don’t tell mom becuase she makes us run away from it whenever it falls.

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