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Oh no what did Mom do now!!!!

Izzy signing in.

Meet my little brother!!!! CHIPPER!!!!
Oh my goodness. I certainly have my work cut out for me now. He was born on July 18, so he is just 3 days shy of 4 months.
Any words of wisdom????
Until next time,
Izzy signing out.

12 Responses to “Oh no what did Mom do now!!!!”

  1.   samson007 Says:

    Oh Izzy! A little baby monkeybutt!!Welcome Chipper. I heard my mom and dad talking bout taking me on a car ride Sunday to PA…I am not sure what for but they are starting to buy dog stuff….and its not for me…..I will keep you posted. Its very puzzling.

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      So far so good with Chipper. He sure is a silly boy. Tossing his toys in the air and barking at them.

      Please do keep me posted on what happens on Sunday.


  2.   samsamsmom Says:

    Welcome Chipper! You’re such a cute little bugger! But Izzy, you’ll always be the cutest! Give it some time – he’ll grow on you! Best wishes to all of you! Xoxo Sue and Sammy

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Sue and Sammy,
      I am letting little Chipper get close to me. He was laying on the pillow next to me. I think he will be OK.


  3.   CatiesMom Says:

    Oh my! Oh Izzy! WELCOME Chipper. He’s adorable.

    Words of wisdom? Patience, Izzy. Patience. 🙂

  4.   jerry Says:

    Cuuuuuuute! Hello Chipper!

    Advice? Definitely! Tune into Tripawd Talk Radio this Saturday to ask your training questions. We’ll have world-famous dog behaviorist Sarah Wilson on the show! 6:30 pm Eastern, see our Discussion Forums.

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Oh that sound like a good plan. I sure hope I am back in time for Mom to listen. Remember, Sunday is my big evaluation.


  5.   riosmom Says:

    Oh, adorable!!!! What a sweet face!!! Advice? Buy lotsa paper towels and stock up on Nature’s Miracle, and hide your shoes!!!

    Micki and Rio

  6.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Good advice Micki and Rio. I know Mom has both and is keeping a very close watch on the shoes and everything else he will get into.


  7.   doggiemomma9 Says:

    Oh Izzy! A little brother! Congrats!

    Life will certainly not be boring! =)

    Nancy & Butchey

  8.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Yes I have a little brother. He is ok, I like him. I have a lot to teach him though. Mom is making an extra special effort to pay attention to me. I like that.


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