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Mom is home, Mom is home!!!!

Izzy signing in.

Mom has been house/dog sitting for a friend. Remember, I showed you my little buddy a week or so ago. Well, we didn’t get to walk much since as the weather was very, very, very nasty with wind and rain. It was so windy we lost a big limb out of a tree in the backyard.

Boy, that is a big limb.

Tuesday, Mom came home and said to me, “I will be sleeping next to you tonight, my girl.” I was so happy. Oh you know what else? Mom took me, just me on a long walk. She let me guide the way. I got to choose which way to turn at each intersection. I had a grand time. Oh I even met some nice people along the way.
I am so glad Mom is home, my family is all together again. Just the way I like it.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out.

5 Responses to “Mom is home, Mom is home!!!!”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    izzy, so glad mom is home and life is good!!! geesh, that limb looks wicked…your poor tree!

    charon & gayle

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Oh boy I am glad too!!!! That wind over the weekend was terrrible. I missed cuddling up with my Mom when she is away.

      Oh yes, that limb is big. Mom and a friend of her’s will be working on it when the weather is better.


  2.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Hi Izzy! I’m so happy you are all together again! I know how much you like things to be in their proper places and very orderly. You are a take-charge gal, and it must have been hard for you to miss your mom. But now you are back in charge of the pack. I’m glad you were able to be lead on the walk. Izzy, I think you would make a great search and rescue dog because you are so confident and smart!

    Love, Dakota

  3.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Oh yes, I take charge alright. Mom helps me though.


  4.   chilidawg Says:

    Oh Izzy, we had that scary wind here the last couple days too. Finchy is not the brave dog that you are, and has been suctioned to whatever human is closest to him. I wish he had your confidence!

    Jenna & Spirit Chili Dawg

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