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Just thought you would like to see me on my walk!!!!

Izzy signing in!!!!

Mom decided to take some video of me on my walk tonight. I asked her if she could share with you. I don’t really have much to say about the videos, other than, “Those pesky squirrels always get the better of me.” 

Oh here I am sitting when I get to the road.

I hope you enjoyed the beginning of our walk.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

12 Responses to “Just thought you would like to see me on my walk!!!!”

  1.   AbbysMom Says:

    You’re such a good girl, Izzy! Look at you, waiting at the corner! Very impressive.

    Look out for those squirrels. They are very pesky indeed.

    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Abby’s Mom. Thank you, I am trying so hard to be a good girl. Those darn squirrels.


  3.   Mom's mom Says:

    You are a good walker. I understand you do very well off the flexie as well. You will do very well with your therapy test.

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Thank you Mom’s Mom. I am trying to be a good girl off leash. I just have to get Mom to trust that I won’t make a mad dash after some critter.


  4.   Maximutt Says:

    Izzy, you are an excellent walker. Can I send Bernie Bin Laden to you so you can teach him how to walk like a gentleman?

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Thank you, I am trying very hard to be a good walker. I am on the flexi-leash in the videos. Bernie can come to visit and walk beside me anytime.


  5.   CatiesMom Says:

    Very good walking, Izzy! Riley wants to know if you ever asked your pawrents if he could be your boyfriend? 🙂

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      My pawrents are discussing me having a boyfriend. I think they are taking wayyyy toooo long with this decision. I will have to ask them again.


  6.   rumblesmom Says:

    Those squirrels make me and my monkeybutt sister crazy…they run along the top of our fence…how do they do that?! I’ll never be able to catch them up there. They should come down on the ground with me for a fair fight!
    And bunnies, too! Don’t even get me started about those critters!

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      I know what you mean. They run along the wires here, then jump to the trees. Now that is just not fair.


  7.   rumblesmom Says:

    oh and by the way, your fluffy tail is beautiful!

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