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This might have been my last dip in the St. Lawrence River this year.

Izzy signing in!!!!

Mom was very busy this weekend. She told me that she needed to house/dog sit for a friend and it was my job to keep track of things for her. She would be here most of the time, but she would be sleeping in the other house. The thing is, my walking with her was put on the back burner. When Mom told me about her business this weekend, she promised me I would go on a nice walk on Sunday.

As usual Mom came through. Mom took me swimming. After my swim rope was attached to me, I ran to the water. Boy was I surprised, the water was a lot colder than last week. I did not even get all wet. I ran in, then stopped and stood still. Brrrr my belly sure was cold. Mom tried to get me to go back in, but I didn’t want to go. Mom was OK with that. She took my picture and we continued our walk.

My teeth must have been chattering when she took this picture. I have a funny face!!!!


Until next time,

Izzy signing out

2 Responses to “This might have been my last dip in the St. Lawrence River this year.”

  1.   AbbysMom Says:

    oooo, cold water is no fun on the belly! Hope you had a fun walk and some good belly rubs to help warm your belly back up!


  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    I did have a fun walk. It was in the high 70s here today and the walk warmed my belly up. Oh yes, Mom gave me a belly rub when we got home.


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