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Mom is soooo good to me!!!!

Izzy here!!!!

Mom has been in search of something for me to chew on. I am do not destroy thing, but I do like to have a good chew now and then. Ted liked the basic bone, but I never really got into that. Mom does not like me to chew on raw hide as I can demolish it in just a few minutes. Mom heard about bully sticks and how wonderful they are, next thing I know I am gnawing on a bully stick. Do you really know what those are??? Well anyhow, I consumed that in a matter of minutes as well.

Many years ago, Mom had a dog named Tigger. Mom mentions Tigger once in a while. Anyhow, Tigger loved to chew on cow hooves. Mom remembered how much Tigger enjoyed those and decided to get some for me, well I just love them too. At first I crack of pieces of the hoof, and Mom picks them up, after that I just gnaw away. My teeth are nice an white now. (Mom here, I have found the best quality hooves come from a feed store in my area, Blue Seal Feeds. The hooves from the pet stores are too brittle.)

For a variety of things for me to chew on, Mom bought me a large white bone. Missy likes to chew on it too, but she can’t pick it up. It is rather funny to watch. Anyhow, I my Mom has made my day again!!!! Oh, a friend of brought over deer antlers for me. At first I didn’t know what to do with it. It looks like a stick but it is not soft. Believe it or not, Hank will run around like a mad man throwing the antler in the air and chasing it. Now is that the way for a 12 year old, 23 pound dog to act? Well, Hank is my older brother and is very active, always has been. I wish Icould jump as high and run as fast as he can.

Mom says Hank is her protector. He will alert her to anything that she needs to know about. Once he does that, I will go look at what needs to be looked at. Usually it is a squirrel up a tree, but sometimes it is a loose dog in the area, or (this is a good one) the UPS truck just driving by. Well, he has a job and he does it well.

Mom has finally found what she is comfortable with me chewing on. She is happy with my teeth and that I enjoy gnawing on the hooves and knuckle bone. I don’t think she will ever buy bully sticks again (I am so glad about that).

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

2 Responses to “Mom is soooo good to me!!!!”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    gnawing on a nice bone or hoof…don’t forget to top it off with a medicinal nap!!! it’s a good life!

    charon & gayle

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Oh yes, my naps are always a priority. I want to be ready for my evening walk abouts with Mom. I just love them.

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