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And the adventure continues!!!!

Izzy here!!!!

Well now, this has been an adventure for sure. Our first night here Mom went to dirt track races and came home all dusty. That is ok, I still love her. She took me out for a long walk in the dark. That was fun. Saturday we just relaxed all day. It was fun, I sat outside on my little patio and watched the river.

Saturday evening we went to an outside play. It was fun to see the different people. We sat in the back row and I had to lay at Mom’s feet. That was ok because as you know, I love her. It started to rain so we left the play early. We all hunkered down for the night.

During the night it really started to rain, I mean in buckets. Mom was very concerned about the creek that was behind the movable home. We took a long walk in the rain and went to ask about the rising water. The owners, at that point, said we don’t have anything to worry about. If it gets too high, they will come to our door and ask us to move.

Wellll, 1:30 there was a knock at the door. Hank of course had to talk and make a fuss. Well, we moved to higher ground to be safe. That is ok, we are all together and safe. Below you will see Hank and I taking a nap after helping with the move. Mom put a blanket on Hank as he is older and wet. I am sure he is a tad cold. Mom takes such good care of all of us.

Hank napping with me.

Oh I just had to post Hank under the blanket.

Silly brother of mine.

The rain has let up as well as the wind. I think we are all a good time overall. I get to walk in the rain with my Mom, brother and sister.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out
Izzy here again!!!!  Mom took me for an extra walk this evening and I thought I saw a kitty cat. But for some reason, Mom pulled me back and said that is not a kitty. Let’s not mess with that tonight.
Man, what was that cute black and white furry thing. All I wanted to do was play with it.
Night all,

4 Responses to “And the adventure continues!!!!”

  1.   wyattraydawg Says:

    Hey Izzy, how come your Mom races around in the dirt?

    We got evacuated once too, from a river that got too big. You guys took it pretty well. My Momma was cryin like a wussy when it happened to us! Maybe you should take a camping trip with us and show us how it’s done?

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Wyatt Ray,
    My Mom is silly. She likes to play in the dirt. She does not even mind if I put my feet on her even when they are wet and dirty.

    Mom was pretty calm about the whole thing. I do not think Dad was impressed that we stayed. He wanted us to come home on Saturday before the mess started. Mom went out in the storm many times to secure things and came back very wet.

    That would be fun to camp with you, but I do know I am not a wild dog. I love to relax. Maybe if we come out your way we can meet up.

  3.   chilidawg Says:

    Oh Izzy, your mom was smart to not let you play with the cat. My cousin Igor played with the same kind of cat and the cat sprayed him in the eye and then he smelled bad and my aunt had to give him special baths to make him smell good again. I think my mom called the cat something that sounded like s-k-unch? or something. You’re too pretty to smell bad.

  4.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    So you don’t think I should change my perfume?


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