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A new adventure is going to happen!!!!

Izzy reporting in!!!! Mom is planning another adventure. I hear part of it includes Dad, but not the entire adventure. Hank and Missy will be with us and we will be traveling in the movable home again. Here is what I know so far!!!! In a few days we will be leaving and traveling about 3 hours from home. I am thinking of riding in the c0-pilot seat, but if Hank or Missy get there first, that is ok too. I heard Mom talking to my friend Dakota’s Mom and they will be there too.

Dad will be traveling to us the next day, he has something he has to do before joining us. We will be staying in the same place for a couple of days. After that, Dad will return home and the rest of us are going to travel about 4 hours to a new place. Mom was talking about a horse show or something like that. I am not sure if Dakota and I will be going to the show, but that will be ok. Hank, Missy, and I will stay in our movable home. If I remember corrrectly, we will be going to a special pond to swim. I can’t wait.

I will be sure to post pictures of our adventures when I can.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

2 Responses to “A new adventure is going to happen!!!!”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    Izzy, you are such a lucky girl! I love adventures, and you have them all the time! Have a great time on your new adventure, and keep the updates coming!!

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Thanks Maximutt. I am really excited about going. I just know it will be fun. I will keep you posted.


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