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We are home!!!!

August 29, 2011

This morning was glorious!!!! The fog was in the valley, the river had gone down some and the sun was coming up!!!! I think I even saw Mom smile about the sight we all saw. We all went for our morning walk, then back to the movable home for breakfast. After a while our neighbors […]

And the adventure continues!!!!

August 28, 2011

Izzy here!!!! Well now, this has been an adventure for sure. Our first night here Mom went to dirt track races and came home all dusty. That is ok, I still love her. She took me out for a long walk in the dark. That was fun. Saturday we just relaxed all day. It was […]

Our adventure continues.

August 26, 2011

Izzy here, again!!!! The KOA we stayed at was nice. It had a dog park, you can see a bit of it in the pictures below. It was nice to be able to investigate things without having that darn leash on. Mom and Dad like the dog park too, but they said the campsites were […]

Yippee, the adventure has begun!!!!

August 24, 2011

Izzy signing in. Mom, Hank, Missy, Jen, Dakota, and I are all set up at a KOA. Below is a picture of me helping Mom cook dinner. Helping Mom cook dinner. And here I am snuggled down for the night.       I am all tired out from a day of riding and exploring […]

Tomorrow our adventure begins!!!!

August 23, 2011

Izzy here. I just know it starts tomorrow!!!! Mom did some packing today, I saw her carry that darn people food out the door. I sure hope she remembers my food. Oh what am I worried about, she never forgets about me. Oh that Missy girl, she was in the movable home watching Mom’s every […]

A new adventure is going to happen!!!!

August 21, 2011

Izzy reporting in!!!! Mom is planning another adventure. I hear part of it includes Dad, but not the entire adventure. Hank and Missy will be with us and we will be traveling in the movable home again. Here is what I know so far!!!! In a few days we will be leaving and traveling about […]

Ahhhh Swimming!!!!

August 16, 2011

Mom has been true to her word and has taken me swimming a lot lately. I really like swimming, but I don’t stay in too long. What I like about it the most is I feel so cool when I get out. Most times Mom comes into the water with me. She walks right beside me […]

My morning walks!!!!

August 9, 2011

Izzy reporting in. Well, I guess I didn’t hide the gentle leader well enough, Mom found it. I have had to use it on our walks. This is what I have figured out though. If I walk really well for Mom, she will take it off and put me on my flexi-leash. I can walk […]

Results of our Mini Test!!!!

August 5, 2011

Mom, Mom’s Mom and I traveled the 100 miles for my mini-therapy test last evening. I of course was wonderful. What can I say???? Mom followed the instructions she was give, put me in a stay, then the lady wanted Mom to call me to come to her. Well, Mom said, “No, as a stay […]

Therapy training to start for me again!!!!

August 2, 2011

Well, Mom is seriously thinking about getting me back into the therapy training routine. I heard her talking with Dad and we are going on an adventure to see a lady who will give me a mini test. This will let Mom know what we need to work on. Then we can take the next […]