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Just have to get that, whatever it is!!!!

Izzy here again. Mom and Dad have a nice area for me to play in. I exit the house from a door in the kitchen. I have concrete steps then lead to a wooden platform. I know there is something living under the platform, I just know it. First thing I do is check out the edges of the platform. Boy, whatever it is, it sure smells good. Mom took a picture of me sniffing out my suspect. Boy is this fun.

Just know something is there.

4 Responses to “Just have to get that, whatever it is!!!!”

  1.   chilidawg Says:

    I’m pawsitive there is something there too!

  2.   etgayle Says:

    yikes – be careful…it might not be a fun as you imagine!!

    charon & gayle

  3.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Dad thinks it is rabbit. I have no idea!!!! I know we have a lot of bunnies this year, so it just might be.

    I will be careful though. woof

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