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One week has past!!!!

Izzy checking in. One week ago we began out life with out Ted. We all have had our ups and downs. Mom and Dad have given my siblings and I lots of hugs and kisses.  We have all missed his goofiness and his way of checking up on all of us. I have taken over some of his tasks. Now it is my job to be sure all are up to bed on time. Last night I made a point to get everyone upstairs and in bed. Man, he sure had his hands full with Missy, she likes to clean up the floor after all of our snacks.

I am finding that I have missed out on a lot of attention. I would watch Ted follow Mom and Dad around the house and think, “What a goofy boy, it is just as easy to lay here in the pillow and watch the world go by.” Boy, did I miss out. Now I am up following them around getting all kinds of lovin. 😛

I do miss Ted terribly. I know he is watching as he is guiding me each and everyday. With him watching, I am being watchful over my family and making sure they are ok. We have many adventures ahead of us, and we will do them all together.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out!!!!

4 Responses to “One week has past!!!!”

  1.   admin Says:

    Thanks for checking in Iz! We all miss Ted.

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Thanks Admin.

  3.   Ginger Says:

    Izzy, we know Ted is watching over you. You have big paws to fill, but it sounds like you are stepping up in a pawesome way!! You are such a sweety.

  4.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Woof. I have been doing my very best. Last night I escorted Missy and Hank to the door to be sure they went outside, just like Ted did. Woof!!!!

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