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A short but fun adventure with Mom!!!!

July 31, 2011

Izzy reporting in this morning. I am sure loving life these days. Mom took me for a walk bright and early this morning, 6:30, I have a feeling Mom’s Mom had something to do with it. I was wide awake, but Mom, well not really. Good thing I was there to guide her. Woof. Mom […]

Oh boy we had a good walk!!!!

July 28, 2011

Izzy reporting in, after dinner Mom and Dad took Missy, Hank and I for nice walk. I walked Dad, Hank and Missy walked Mom. The thing about my brother and sister joining us on the walk is they wander much more than I do. Every so often our leashes cross and we get in a […]

Ok Ok, I have the scoop!!!!

July 26, 2011

This evening, Mom and I went to the local community library for a visit. You see Mom’s Mom volunteers there during the summer months. Oh it was so good to go there, I have not been there since the leaves were falling on the ground and Ted had 4 legs.  While we were at the […]

Oh where does Mom go????

July 26, 2011

Since the weekend, Mom has been leaving the house for like ever. She looks at me like, “I am sorry Izzy, I wish I didn’t have to go.” But where ever does she go? I just want to know. Each day she comes home and gives me a great big hug and kiss. I do […]

Just have to get that, whatever it is!!!!

July 24, 2011

Izzy here again. Mom and Dad have a nice area for me to play in. I exit the house from a door in the kitchen. I have concrete steps then lead to a wooden platform. I know there is something living under the platform, I just know it. First thing I do is check out the […]

The day of my appointment!!!!

July 21, 2011

6:15 this morning, Mom had all of us up and out the door for our morning walk. It was already 80 degrees. We returned to our movable home and Dad was up too. Mom and Dad had a cup of black stuff, Missy, Hank and I had our clear stuff and some food. The news […]

Whew is it ever hot!!!

July 21, 2011

Well, below is a picture of me in my movable home. Mom and I returned from a walk and it was like an oven outside. At least that is what Mom said!!!!   My next post will be after my Dr. Appointment.   Until next time,   Izzy signing out.

Good morning all!!!!

July 20, 2011

Just wanted to give you all a good morning smile!!!! Here I am bright and early after my morning walk with Mom.

My first day on our adventure!!!!

July 20, 2011

We made it!!!! Finally in my movable home again. We didn’t go very far from home, but still, we are out and about. Below is ME!!!! Yes, once that table is out of the way, I claim my spot.   Mom and I went for a walk before bed. We saw a couple of deer […]

Mom and Dad postponed our departure!!!!

July 18, 2011

I heard Mom and Dad talking this morning about the weather. We had a storm pass through early this morning, Mom was up, but Dad was sleeping. I did very well, if I don’t say so myself, I was nervous at first and climbed on Mom a bit. She had to shut windows so I […]