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Ted gave us a scare today!!!

This is Mom reporting in. About a week and a half ago Ted got a bump on the bridge of his nose. I attibuted it to a bug bite. I monitored it over the weekend, then called the vet. We agreed that it could be a bug bit, so benedryl was administered. The bump did not go down. Around the same time, Ted had swallowed a toy from the boys next door. He gave the toy back with grass around it, he threw it up. The toy was relatively small, size of a silver dollar, but had very sharp points on it. With that, Ted would cough every so often, which the vet and I agreed, his throat was irratiated by the toy.

Today, a friend called as she was in the house doing stuff, and said that, “Ted is not acting like Ted. He is having difficulty breathing and his eyes are red and running.” I immediately called my vet. I left work, got Ted and off to the vet we went. Ted was breathing fine when I got him, his eyes were blood shot and had a yellowish discharge.

Ted was such a good boy. He has a slight fever, which they say can contribute to the heavy breathing. There was a sample of the cells from the bump on his nose taken. The vet looked at them and said she did not find any abnormal cells, but is sending them away to a pathologist. I should get the results tomorrow. For now, Ted is taking benedryl 75mg 3 times a day for the bump. I am washing out his eyes with saline solution 2 times a day, and he is taking pepsid 2 times a day for his coughing.

Ted is now resting very nicely on the couch. I am hoping he gets a good nights rest and the bump goes down some by tomorrow and the report comes back in the positive direction.

9 Responses to “Ted gave us a scare today!!!”

  1.   chilidawg Says:

    Oh Ted we are praying for good news! Hope you are soaking up lots of love and snuggles! Are you getting lots of rest from the benadryl? It makes my boxer brother tired when he has to take it. Feel better soon.

    Jenna & chili dawg

  2.   tatespeeps Says:

    It seems there’s always these multiple oddball things going on all at once and you just can’t figure it out. Oh, I hope the bump goes down dramatically! And as Charon would recommend – medicinal naps! We love medicinal naps!

  3.   Jackie Says:

    Hope he feels better soon!

    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  4.   etgayle Says:

    we concur with tate’s concurrence – medicinal naps!!! we’re sending our best ET juju to ted, hoping his nose bump becomes ‘history’ soon!!!

    charon & gayle

  5.   Indiana's mom Says:

    Sending big prayers that Ted will get better real soon and be back to himself ~ enjoying life and your love! He is such a good boy!!!
    Hugs & Indy kisses to you Ted & Mom too!)!!
    Indiana’s mom – ~~Carol~~

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