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Ted and the softball field.

Hi to all my friends. I keep telling you about watching baseball and softball games. Well tonight was my night, I just knew it, I could feel it!!! Mom and I went for our walk to the playground. At the playground there was a little girl with her mom and another grown up friend. The grown ups asked to see me. Of course Mom brought me to them. The adults noticed I was different right away. The little girl, who will be 5 next week, never noticed I was different. The grown ups kept asking her about me and if I was different. She said, “Well, yes, he smells good and is real soft.” What can I say, I just smell better than any dog around. Woof Woof Woof. She never even noticed how I was different than other dogs. I was soooo happy. Mom of course told the adults about my troubles and the adults were soooo happy to see me and how happy and gentle I am. Then Mom let the little girl hang onto my leash and we walked to her car together.

Then I was off, I just knew I was going to put my feet on that softball field. Yup Yup, Mom let me off leash and I jogged around the infield a bit, then found the outfield. Sooo, here I am, sniffing and having a good time.

Ok so I hope you enjoyed the short video. Below I am relaxing in the cool breeze.

12 Responses to “Ted and the softball field.”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    Ted, I bet you do smell better than other dogs!! I’m so glad you got to run around the softball field! You are awesome!!

  2.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Ted does smell good. I just know he does. I think he wanted to be the ball boy and retrieve from the outfield. He needs a big bucket of balls to chase!

    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      Thanks D, I did use deodorant this morning, woof woof woof. I will be chasing balls next week when Mom lets me swim. I retrieve very well when I am swimming.

  3.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    Maxi, thank you for saying I am awesome. I just love people. Mom will let me run around again, I just know she will.

  4.   Jackie Says:

    We could all learn a lot from little kids and dogs! Cute story. Ted E. Bear, you look pawsome!

    Jackie, Abby’s mom

    •   Ted E. Bear Says:

      Jackie, you are exactly right. That little girl just loved me and gave me kisses. It didn’t matter that I was different.

  5.   daisy2010 Says:

    (Tripawds always smell good!)

  6.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    That is exactly what happen, I hit a homerun today!!!

  7.   Ginger Says:

    Ted, you are just wonderful. That little girl isn’t the only one who thinks you are great. So do I.


  8.   chilidawg Says:

    Ted, aren’t little kids great? They don’t judge us at all. I love them. And, if you don’t mind me saying, you are one HANDSOME DAWG!

  9.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    I don’t mind you saying I am Handsome at all. Mom combs me a lot and I love it. Yes, little kids are great!!! I especially like it when I can help them with their ice cream.

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