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June 30, 2011

I have upsetting news. Yesterday, after a very long night of listening to Ted breathe, we took Ted to his regular vet. Ted was having trouble breathing with his mouth closed and when panting, he used a lot of energy to breathe. The vet sent us to the emergency vet, the same place he had his amputation. […]

Ted’s update on his scare!!!

June 25, 2011

Mom here again. We finally received the pathologist’s report on the cells in his bump. Great news, no cancer cells. He has an infection in that bump. So, benadryll is stopped, saline solution is still clearing his eyes till the discharge stops. Whew, what a relief.

Ted gave us a scare today!!!

June 24, 2011

This is Mom reporting in. About a week and a half ago Ted got a bump on the bridge of his nose. I attibuted it to a bug bite. I monitored it over the weekend, then called the vet. We agreed that it could be a bug bit, so benedryl was administered. The bump did […]

Psst!!! Listen to this!!!

June 21, 2011

Mom got the RV out yesterday!!! I am soooo excited I can hardly contain myself!!!! She is such a goofy lady, she got the hose out, the bucket out, the brush out, and the soap out. Next thing I know she is wayyyy up on top of my movable home. I was nervous for her. […]

Ted and the softball field.

June 19, 2011

Hi to all my friends. I keep telling you about watching baseball and softball games. Well tonight was my night, I just knew it, I could feel it!!! Mom and I went for our walk to the playground. At the playground there was a little girl with her mom and another grown up friend. The […]

Ted and Tom at our local Relay for Life event!!!

June 11, 2011

Below is the news release of the event, You will get a glimpse of Ted and I in the parade with the survivors. My husband  Tom is also in the parade. Below there are numerous pictures of Ted and Izzy. Many questions were asked about each dog. During the parade I did hear the comments like, […]

Mom has figured me out!!!

June 8, 2011

Mom loves to take me for a walk. We walk a variety of distances. No matter how far we walk, I always stop and start when we are almost home. At first she thought we had gone too far, so she shortened the walks. LOL Then she decided that we would stop and rest periodically […]

This is me enjoying my time with Mom!!!

June 6, 2011

Mom just had to video me being silly!!!

Ted walking with Tom at Relay For Life!!!

June 4, 2011

Tom, my husband is a cancer survivor as is Ted. The two will walk the survivor lap together. Izzy and I will be close by as care givers and to take Ted if we need to. Ted, Izzy and I will be traveling to the even in our motor home. This will give the dogs […]