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Oh boy I did it!!!

My sister and I slept downstairs all alone. I was so comfy and I didn’t have to go up and down those stairs. I did miss hearing Mom and Dad breathing. Oh yes and Dad snoring, woof, woof, woof!!!

This is one more step back to the way it was. I know it will never be the same, but it is getting pretty darn close. My fur is even coming back. Mom says it is about a half inch long now!!! Woof, Woof, Woof!!!

I wish these keys on this keyboard were a bit bigger. My paw is pretty big you know.

4 Responses to “Oh boy I did it!!!”

  1.   CatiesMom Says:

    Woof, woof, woof right back at you, Ted! Every day will get a little bit closer to life as before. It’ll be like you never had that stupid surgery in no time at all.

  2.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Shoot, I hoped you and Izzy would take over the big bed and your pawrents would sleep in the dog bed! I thought there might be a revolution happening. But if you’re happy, I’m happy! And I’ll be really happy when my fur grows back. I have fuzz.

    Love, D.

  3.   admin Says:

    Woof, Woof, Woof!!! Indeed … 🙂

  4.   Ted E. Bear Says:

    D, Ted here, I like sleeping downstairs. I have a choice of three couches and a variety of dog beds. I can go upstairs if I want, but right now I just don’t want to.

    I heard Mom say that when my fur grows enough she will take me to the groomer to get evened out. She is soooo good to me. Woof, Woof, Woof!!!

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