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Oh my, how time sure flies when you are a golden retriever. At the age of 8 weeks my sister, Izzy and I came into a house with 2 other dogs. It was great. Our older brother and sister taught us many thing. Mom and Dad were so happy with all of us. Let me tell you, living with this family sure is an adventure.

During our first year, we learned many many things. We were in puppy school at 4 months of age. We learned sooo very much. There were days when I was the star of the class, then there were days when Izzy was the star of the class. Every once in a while, we would let some other pup be the star. When we were not in school, we were walking all over the village meeting people. We even went to baseball and softball games.

During the summer, Mom and Dad bought a Class C motor home. Oh man, that is the bomb. Our entire family, Mom, Dad, Missy (American Eskimo), Hank (terrier mix), Izzy (my sister), and I, all travel together. It is great. We get to see lots of exciting places and people. When we are all set up, we all walk around the area and take in all the sites. It is amazing the number of people who say hi to us. Oh yes, I forgot to mention, when Mom makes plans for us to travel, she always informs the how many of us there are and what we plan on doing. There have been only a couple of places that will not let all four of us. Soooo, we just don’t go there. So far, I have been in NY, PA, and Canada.

My sister and I have worked very hard at becoming therapy dogs. We have visited schools and libraries. It is really nice to get all the attention. People always say how pretty and well behaved we are.

Now that you are up to date on my life with four legs, we will try to keep you up to date on my life as a tripawd.

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