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2 Month Ampuversary!!!

March 26, 2011

Whaoooo!!! Woof Woof Woof!!! I celebrated by getting Mom up at 5 AM. I was a good boy and did not bark when she let me out. I am feeling really good and am ready to go for a walk whenever Mom wants to go!!!

I still do not like thunder storms!!!

March 18, 2011

Last night my sister, Izzy, went to get Mom. We heard the wind pick up, the rain begin, then came that nasty thunder. Mom got up to see what was the matter. She quickly found out when she opened the door to let Izzy out. It had started to rain and there was a flash of light. Izzy would not go out, only stick her nose out.

We have the best Mom in the world!!! Mom stayed downstairs with us and slept on the floor to keep us safe. I just love her. Izzy cuddled up next to her and I hid my head in the couch. Mom stayed with us for 5 hours. The storm passed and we were all safe and sound.

Thank you Mom,


Ted E Bear and Izzy E Bear

Slept upstairs with my family!!!

March 7, 2011

Ted reporting in on this Monday morning. LastĀ  night Izzy decided she wanted to sleep upstairs. Well, I did not want to sleep downstairs by myself. Not that I am scared or anything, but why be a loaner.

I navigated the stairs just fine. Dad brought up my special bed, at least I think it is special. I made my bed hopping and moving the blanket Mom puts on it for me. Then PLOP!!! I was comfy.

We all slept soundly until 5:30. Time to start the week, woof, woof, woof!!!

I went upstairs today!!!

March 6, 2011

Mom and Dad were headed upstairs to change out of their church clothes. I decided that I would join them. I was not graceful going up the stairs, but I made it. Once upstairs I jumped up on the bed. That is my spot you see when they are changing clothes. I am soooo lucky, Mom and Dad sit with me and give me all kinds of attention.

Now it was time for me to get off the bed. I know Mom wanted me to use the ottoman, but I just could do it. I thought it was not manly. I jumped over that stupid thing and landed just fine. Hmmm now it was time for theĀ stairs. No big deal, I took it slow and was at the bottom before I knew it.

Just maybe I will sleep upstairs tonight. I have not decided. I think I will take a nap and ponder.

Oh boy I did it!!!

February 28, 2011

My sister and I slept downstairs all alone. I was so comfy and I didn’t have to go up and down those stairs. I did miss hearing Mom and Dad breathing. Oh yes and Dad snoring, woof, woof, woof!!!

This is one more step back to the way it was. I know it will never be the same, but it is getting pretty darn close. My fur is even coming back. Mom says it is about a half inch long now!!! Woof, Woof, Woof!!!

I wish these keys on this keyboard were a bit bigger. My paw is pretty big you know.