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Mom is at it again!!!!

October 30, 2011

Izzy here!!!!

Here are a couple of videos of me with Mom and Dad. I think they are self explanatory. ENJOY!!!!

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

My therapy evaluation date is set!!!!

October 21, 2011

Hey, Mom just received an email from Pet Partners of Syracuse letting us know when I can take my test!!!! Yeah, November 20 is our day!!!! I have much review to do, but I can do it!!!! I just know I can!!!!


Just thought you would like to see me on my walk!!!!

October 5, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

Mom decided to take some video of me on my walk tonight. I asked her if she could share with you. I don’t really have much to say about the videos, other than, “Those pesky squirrels always get the better of me.” 

Oh here I am sitting when I get to the road.

I hope you enjoyed the beginning of our walk.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Oh those pesky squirrels!!!!

October 5, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

My evening walks are wonderful!!!! Mom and Dad both take me for my walks now. It is great. It seems like we just leave the yard and there are these little fuzzy animals that drive me nuts. When I see these things, my ears perk up, I start prancing and pulling on the leash. Those pesky varmints are very fast. I just want to catch one of those things. One of these evenings I will.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.


Update on my x-rays!!!!

October 1, 2011

Izzy here, signing it.

As some of you know Mom and Dad were quite concerned as I was limping a lot. Well, in July I paid a visit to Dr. Robinson, Ted’s vet. He was very glad to see me, and I was glad to see him. I just knew he would be nice and he was. Dr. Robinson wanted us to continue our controlled walks each day. Then in September have another set of x-rays for him to read.

Dr. Robinson read the x-rays and did not see anything wrong. We then sent the x-rays to a radiologist. The results came back that I am a very healthy girl. Yeah!!!!

Bottom line, I had a soft tissue injury from playing with Ted. He was such a big boy and we must have hit each other really hard. Anyhow, I am no longer limping, have lost 7 pounds since May and am loving life.

Here’s to following Dr. Robinson’s orders Woof Woof Woof.

Izzy signing out.

Yippee, the adventure has begun!!!!

August 24, 2011

Izzy signing in.

Mom, Hank, Missy, Jen, Dakota, and I are all set up at a KOA. Below is a picture of me helping Mom cook dinner.

Helping Mom cook dinner.
And here I am snuggled down for the night.

That is me, all settled in for the night.

I am all tired out from a day of riding and exploring new smells and what not.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out.

Whew is it ever hot!!!

July 21, 2011

Well, below is a picture of me in my movable home. Mom and I returned from a walk and it was like an oven outside. At least that is what Mom said!!!!

I know how to relax!!!!

My next post will be after my Dr. Appointment.
Until next time,
Izzy signing out.

I have my appointment with Dr. Robinson

July 14, 2011

Mom has been busy on the phone this morning. She is such a busy person. I just love to watch her, she does not seem to stop moving until Dad gets home. Anyhow, Mom called 3 different vet offices today getting things set for me. Mom is having all of my medical records sent to Dr. R and Dad is to pick up a CD with my x-rays. On July 21, I will be visiting Dr. Robinson. He will evaluate me, whatever that means, and hopefully have answers why I am limping.

All I know is, Mom and Dad is real concerned about my limping. I really try hard not to because I know it worries my family. I will be real good for Dr. R so he can figure out what is wrong. I will let everyone know what the outcome is as soon as we know.

In the mean time, I hear my next adventure is on the way. We will be traveling again to new and exciting places. I am not sure what we are going to do, but I know it will be fun.

Until next time,

Izzy, signing out.

Here I am in my Pup tent!!!!

July 14, 2011

Ted was such a silly boy at such a young age. Mom set up this pup tent (get it???) for us in the living room. Other people laughed at her, but she knew what she was doing. She made it real comfy for us. Here we are enjoying our tent. Notice I am just sleeping away while Ted is thinking of things to do.


Here I am in the tent by myself. Ted, being the big strong silly boy, would grab a corner of the tent and take me for a ride around the living room. Oh my, that was such fun.


Mom is really concerned about me!!!!

July 13, 2011

In May, Mom took me to have x-rays because I have been limping. Nothing showed up on the x-rays, all is normal. Mom had me rest and rest. Since the passing of Ted, Mom has been noticing that I am still  limping periodically. I do not limp all the time, but still Mom is concerned.

Here is the plan. Dr. C, my regular vet is referring me to Dr. R for further evaluation. You see Dr. R is the Dr. that took care of  Ted for his amputation. My x-rays from May will be sent to Dr. R as well as my other records. Mom wants to get to the bottom of this asap.

I just love my Mom.

Izzy signing out.