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The video you were waiting for.

February 8, 2014

Izzy signing in!!!

Mom took Mulligan for a run in the snow without me. I knew they would be back, Mom wanted to take a video or 2 of Mulligan in his new boots. He is such a smarty pants. She put one on him as soon as she got the boots in the mail, he did great. Then while out in the snow she put another one on. Well that one didn’t stay on very well. I think it was because she was in the snow and it the wind was blowing up a gale. After a bit we went inside to warm up. The she put all four boots on him, as usual he did just what she wanted him to do. He kept the boots on the whole time and the two of them played ball while I wandered around in the backyard happy as can be.

Today was the day for videos. I was not upset as I knew what was happening. Off the went, I watched from home. I sure hope you enjoy the video. Mulligan is the star of the show, as usual.

Mulligan’s new boots!

Until next time,

Izzy signing off.



Our first big snow of the season!!!!

December 28, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!!

Well, we have had quite a week. Mom says she was dog/house sitting for a week and that is why she is not home in the evenings. She told me that she was making money for our adventures in my movable home. I am good with that. She  promised me, us, that she would spend lots of time at home once the week was over.

She is true to her word. Each and everyday she would come home to spend time with all of us. I was glad because I was hearing talk of a storm coming and I really do not like the wind. Mom spent as much time as she could with us then went back to check on the others.

Anyhow, the week is over and the storm left some snow to play in. Mom took some videos I would like to share with you. Of course the “horse” is in the video mom created. Enjoy!!!!

Mulligan and I playing in the snow!!!!

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

One step closer!!!!

March 24, 2012

Izzy signing in!!!!

As most of you know, Mom and Dad got me a bigger home on wheels. I heard it does not have a motor, but Dad’s truck can pull it. All of us have been practicing our vehicle etiquette, but time will tell how we do.  Mulligan has never been on a trip, let alone slept in a home on wheels. I am sure he will be just fine, especially since I will be with him.

Today Missy and I went to be beautified. Our fur is all fluffy, and nails all trimmed up. I know Mom wants us to look beautiful, but really. Do we have to go through a day at the spa???? OK, I will do it just for Mom. I must say, we do smell pretty darn good. I don’t know how long the bandannas will last though.  OH, Mulligan came into the spa too, all he had done was his nails and fur on his feet trimmed. That is all Mom wanted to have done for his first time. I was there to watch, he did pretty good, he was nervous though. Mom and Dad where there too, they gave him lots of hugs and sweet talk. The nice lady working  on him was very impressed with him. What can I say, he is my boy and love him. I told him it was OK.

Now that I am ready to go, let’s get that new home on wheels on the road. Mom will take pictures for you.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Mom and Mulligan did it again!!!!

January 23, 2012

Izzy signing in,

I was left behind again. Mom talked with me though. Mulligan has more energy than want to put up with so, Mom takes him for a good run so I can have some peace for a while. Below are a couple of videos of him out in the field. Oh, Mom is also working on his recall. I just know she is using treats, I just know it. Don’t worry, I get my special time with her too. I get to sleep with her at night. Mulligan has to stay in his crate downstairs by himself. Woof Woof  Woof  Woof, I am QUEEN!!!!

I hope you enjoyed watching the boy!!!! He is learning a lot.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

Mulligan is such a clown!!!!

January 11, 2012

Izzy signing in,

My brother is such a goof ball. Just look at him!!!!


Mulligan at the playground again.

January 2, 2012

Izzy signing in.

Mom took Mulligan to the playground without me. I know she does it to give him more exercise so I am not the constant chew toy, but really!!!! I want to go for a walk too. Maybe later Mom will take both of us. Anyhow, here is the video of the boy at the playground today.

Here is Mulligan at the playground in November. Hmmm I think he has grown some.

Hope you enjoyed Mulligan’s time without me.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out



My post beauty parlor picture!!!!

November 20, 2011

Izzy signing in.

Mom and Dad took Mulligan and I for a walk. I was sitting watching a squirrel and Mom snapped the picture!!!! I think I look very intense.

Until next time,
Izzy signing out.

Tomorrow is our big day!!!!

November 19, 2011

Izzy signing in!!!!

Today I went to the beauty parlor, so I am soooo very soft and sporting a bright red bandanna. My nails are all buffed up, and my long toe hair is all trimmed up. I am sooo very pretty.

Tomorrow Mom and I have our evaluation. I know Mom is nervous, but I will do her proud.

Happy Thoughts at NOON!!!

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

I had no doubt!!!!

November 11, 2011

Izzy here!!!!

I just don’t understand it, I could have told them I was perfect if they just would have asked!!!! Today Mom and Dad took me to the vet for a check up. Apparently to become a registered therapy dog, the vet must poke, look and touch me all over. Well, after Doc did all that he gave me the go ahead to become a registered therapy dog. You know, all they had to do is ask me and I would have signed the papers for them. Humans, they just don’t listen. Woof woof woof woof!!!!

I did hear Doc say that he would like me to lose 6 more pounds. Oh my goodness, I already lost 9 pounds over the summer. How much more walking can we do? I have noticed that the size of my biscuits have become a whole lot smaller, at first I was a little baffeled by the size, but I am ok with it. My girlish figure is showing now.

Anyhow, I think Mom is going to start walking me at a faster pace. I think it is so she doesn’t get cold, I know the temperature sure has dropped lately. Oh I also hope she takes me to that field where I can just run around. You know I am a golden retriever, but I don’t retrieve anything. Mom can toss something, and I just watch it. It just seems silly to get something that someone has tossed when they are the ones that tossed it. Ted would retrieve for Mom, but only if she tossed it in the water so he could swim.

Overall, I could have saved Mom and Dad some money if they had just asked me my condition. I don’t think the Delta Society would have accepted a paw print for the signature though. My next appointment is at the beauty salon on next Saturday.

Until next time,

Izzy, signing out.

Less than 2 weeks!!!!

November 9, 2011

Izzy here!!!!

Mom and I have been working with our trainer and we are ready!!!! We are officially ready!!!! Mom has me sit and wait,  and wait, and wait, and wait. Then she finally calls me, so I let Mom get all animated and I decide that I really should walk over to her. Mom gets really happy when I get to her.  I just love it when she rubs me and gives me hugs and kisses. So then she has me sit and stay. So I sit, and sit, and sit, and sit some more (I am glad the sun is shining and I can get my vitamin D). Finally Mom walks back to me and around to my right side, then she gives me lots of hugs and kisses again. Boy, this training sure is fun.

I can remember a long time ago, we use to practice walking up and meeting people. We don’t practice that anymore, must be I do that now with no problems. We also use to practice walking by other dogs and people and I have to ignore them. I must do that without any issues either because we don’t practice that anymore.

I guess I am ready for our evaluation. I heard Mom talking and I think we will be practicing one more time before the evaluation. I bet I will have to do everything right that day. I know this is something really special Mom and I must do together to honor Ted.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out