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Mulligan the recycle dog!!!

Izzy signing in.

Woof!!!! I know it has been a while, things have been great in our home. Mom has been waiting for her new camera to arrive so she could take some good pictures.

We  have been going on nice walks lately. Psst, I went on a walk all by myself one morning. Dad was letting me play in the backyard while he threw the ball for Mulligan. Well, a rabbit got the better of me and I bolted, I knew what I was doing. Dad called my name but the rabbit was more interesting. Soooo, Dad called Mom, Mom called Mulligan to come into the house. Of course, the “horse” galloped back to Mom and back in the house he went. Then Mom and Dad got flashlights out and the search for me began. I guess I was not suppose to chase that silly rabbit, but what is a girl to do. It was 6:15 AM, 27 degrees, and Mom and Dad had to get to work. I was obviously in the “dog house” on this one. Anyhow, an hour later I was back at home, Mom was on her way to work, Dad was on his way to the shower, I was tired and wet. I had a blast though!!!!

Since then, I have not been allowed to play in the backyard in the morning. I guess I have to earn their trust again. On our walks, I am really good. I am on a rope though, so I can’t really get in too much trouble. On these walks, Mulligan has a job to do. Below is a video of him doing his job.




He sure is a good boy!!!

Until next time,

Izzy signing out


2 Responses to “Mulligan the recycle dog!!!”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    Good job Mulligan! Izzy, I know that rabbit must’ve been tempting, but 27 degrees?!?!?! That’s way too cold to be running around in the dark! Listen, just take things one day at a time, try to think what Ted would’ve done, and before you know it you’ll be in the backyard again! I hope you and your family have a great holiday!!

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      I think Ted put that rabbit out there for me to see. I sure did have a good time on my adventure, I knew the way home all along. I know I will try and be a good girl, I will learn to stay in the backyard, but it sure was fun.

      Our holiday will be great. Mom has the week off so we will have adventures of our own.


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