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Home again!!!!

Izzy signing in!!!!

Oh boy did we have a grand time!!!! We went to a new place as Dad had a huge conflict with the owner of the original camping spot. All things happen for a reason is our motto. We went to a place where there was only 2 other campers. We basically had the place to ourselves. We all could go swimming in a stream right behind my mobile house. Mulligan and Hank did not even need to be on a leash. It was great.

What was really neat is that the TV never went on and computers were never on. Apparently, there was no service for either at this campground. Oh know what else, Mom and Dad did not use their cell phones. I was surprised how well they handled it. They proved to me that they really are not addicted to those things. We went for many walks and just relaxed. Ted would have loved playing in the stream, we all played in his honor.

What a nice trip we had. We are all glad to be home though. Nice to stretch out and be back to “normal”.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out


2 Responses to “Home again!!!!”

  1.   jerry Says:

    Izzy that sounds lie paradise to me. Where was it? Glad you had fun!

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Copes Corner near Gilbertsville, NY. It is run by Otsego County. This past spring they were flooded out and almost did not open. They did open, but late in the season.

    We sure were glad they opened.


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