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Mulligan went swimming!!!!

Izzy signing in!!!!

It sure is a good thing I am a good sister.  Sunday morning I overheard Mom ask Dad about visiting a friend of theirs and only take Mulligan. Why they were going to visit a friend? I have no idea. All I heard was that Mulligan was going and I was not.  When that happens, I know it is my job to take care of the house. That is a tall order you know. Anyhow, off Mulligan goes with Mom and Dad. Actually it was quite relaxing without the boy. I know I will get my special time with Mom and Dad. Today is Mulligan’s day.

Mulligan had quite a day. Here is what he told me. “Hey Izzy, I didn’t know that when I went in the water and my feet didn’t touch bottom that I could actually keep moving. Really, I did. Mom tossed a small stick for me, I went further and further into the water. Each time I could touch the ground and get wet at the same time. Then Mom tossed the stick really far. I actually floated and could not touch the ground. At first I didn’t know what to do, then all of a sudden my legs started moving and I moved through the water. I loved it,  Izzy.  You know what was really fun? Getting out of the water and shaking all over and the water sprayed on everyone. ”

Well, now Mulligan knows how to swim. That is great, now we can go swimming together. I know Mom loves to take me swimming. I will show Mulligan how it is done. I just know I can teach him some new tricks.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

2 Responses to “Mulligan went swimming!!!!”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    Hi Izzy! Mulligan sure is growing up and learning new things!! You are a very good big sister to write about his adventures for him!

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Thank you. I just love the boy, I just have to write about him.


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