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Out for a rainy walk.

Izzy signing in,

Mom and I have decided that Mulligan needs to go for a walk or run everyday when she gets home from work. If we do not take the boy for his daily outing, our evenings are not so quiet. As some of you already know, Mom sometimes takes Mullligan by himself, of course I am not happy about it but I also know she runs him harder if I am not there.

Today is no exception to our outings. I was not sure if we would go because it was raining, but Mom did not let us down. Mom took a short video of us walking. Here it is.

Yes, you can see we are wearing coats. Mulligan is wearing Ted’s coat. It was a little big on him, but he wore it like a badge of honor.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

2 Responses to “Out for a rainy walk.”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    I like your raincoats! You guys look very proud to be wearing them! Izzy, keep up the good work training your little brother!

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Mulligan has a bit of filling out to do, but our backs stayed dry. Mom never thought she would put a darn coat on a dog, but she now sees the advantages of it. We really don’t mind wearing them at all. We have lighter ones for the summer and for the RV.


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