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Wonderful walks lately!!!!

Izzy signing in,

Mulligan, Mom and I are having really nice walks lately. As usual, Mulligan is off leash running and running. He such a good boy for us. Mom and I are walking really fast, he is off exploring the field. I am sure he is finding all sorts of goodies to nibble on and roll in. Once we are out of the field, both of us are put back on leashes and we walk around town. We visit many people and are given many compliments. Mom is very happy with both of us, of course she is happy with me, I am her favorite.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

4 Responses to “Wonderful walks lately!!!!”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    well, we all know you are the favorite…but don’t tell mulligan, nothing worse than a sad, pouty little brother. glad you guys are having a nice enough winter to be able to get out and about.

    charon & spirit gayle

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Oh my, I think you are right, I will not tell Mulligan I am the favorite. He sure would pout about that. Mom takes him on special walks without me, but I am ok with that. I get to sleep with Mom and Dad, Mulligan is in his crate downstairs.


  2.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Hi Izzy!

    Does Mulligan like the snow as much as Ted did? I love those pictures of you and Ted laying in the snow last winter. I know you don’t have snow right now to walk in, but I just wondered. I’m glad Mulligan is listening to all your good advice about how to be a good boy.

    Love, Dakota

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      D Dawg,
      Mulligan has loved the snow, what little we have had. He has experienced ice cold water as he decided to venture across a little, very little pool of water. The temp was about 15 degrees and the water froze on him almost instantly. We quickly came home to get him warmed up. We only had a short distance to go, but as far as Mom was concerned, it was far enough. She actually had us jog home.

      Love, Izzy

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