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Mom and Mulligan did it again!!!!

Izzy signing in,

I was left behind again. Mom talked with me though. Mulligan has more energy than want to put up with so, Mom takes him for a good run so I can have some peace for a while. Below are a couple of videos of him out in the field. Oh, Mom is also working on his recall. I just know she is using treats, I just know it. Don’t worry, I get my special time with her too. I get to sleep with her at night. Mulligan has to stay in his crate downstairs by himself. Woof Woof  Woof  Woof, I am QUEEN!!!!

I hope you enjoyed watching the boy!!!! He is learning a lot.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

4 Responses to “Mom and Mulligan did it again!!!!”

  1.   kviz Says:

    This is PAWSOME!! He is very cute. So Izzy love…embrace the quiet!! Undisturbed napping RULES!

    Love, Pegz

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Yes, Mulligan is very cute, that is why he gets away with things sometimes. Woof!!!! Oh I do embrace the quiet times, thanks for reminding me.


  2.   wyattraydawg Says:

    He’s looking smarter every day! Nice work showing him the ropes Izzy.

  3.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    He is a smarty pants, I have to give him that, oh yes, he is also a cutie pie. I am showing him the ropes. We are walking very well with Mom. I know today she promised me we would walk this afternoon together.


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