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My little brother lost his manhood yesterday!!!!

Izzy signing in!!!!

Yesterday was a big day for my little bro.  His day started with no breakfast, then a walk with Mom but without me. I guess that was the easiest way to keep his  mind off the food and the rest of us could eat. Mom and Mulligan were a bit wet when they returned as it was rain/snowing out on their walk. I was not happy that I was not included in the walk, but I think I understand now.

Next thing I know, Mulligan is going out the front door again with Mom. Geesh, he got to do everything yesterday. I waited patiently all day for Mom, Dad and Mulligan to return. He sure was a funny boy when he got home. He was soooo dopey, he had bags under his eyes. After dinner, he relaxed and took many naps.

Today is a new day for him. He is no longer Mr. Dopey. The bags under his eyes are gone and he wants to play. Mom and Dad are watching very closely so he does not over do. I am being gentle with him too. He will be back to himself in no time, I just know it. I am really enjoying playing with him.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

6 Responses to “My little brother lost his manhood yesterday!!!!”

  1.   samson007 Says:

    Huh? Do you mean our little Monkey Mulligan got “clipped” yesterday? Ouch! Poor boy!

  2.   etgayle Says:

    yikes!!! just in time for mulligan to sing the soprano parts in ‘oh holy night’…. we support spay and neuter – wish there was a way to sign alot of humans up as well!! take care of your brother, he’ll be tender for a little bit…

    charon & gayle

    •   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

      Oh Charon, we agree with you. There are many humans that need this done as well. I will be sure to take care of my little brother. I really love the little guy. Although I have a feeling he won’t be so little for very long.


  3.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Ah yes, I remember my Manhood ceremony like it was yesterday! Welcome to the club, Mulligan!

    Love, Dakota
    (P.S. My Woman is saying she is glad she was not drinking her coffee when she read what Charon wrote and she agrees wholeheartedly, whatever that means.)

  4.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    D Dawg,
    I will besure to let Mulligan know he is now part of a special club, one that includes many tripawds.


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