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Less than 2 weeks!!!!

Izzy here!!!!

Mom and I have been working with our trainer and we are ready!!!! We are officially ready!!!! Mom has me sit and wait,  and wait, and wait, and wait. Then she finally calls me, so I let Mom get all animated and I decide that I really should walk over to her. Mom gets really happy when I get to her.  I just love it when she rubs me and gives me hugs and kisses. So then she has me sit and stay. So I sit, and sit, and sit, and sit some more (I am glad the sun is shining and I can get my vitamin D). Finally Mom walks back to me and around to my right side, then she gives me lots of hugs and kisses again. Boy, this training sure is fun.

I can remember a long time ago, we use to practice walking up and meeting people. We don’t practice that anymore, must be I do that now with no problems. We also use to practice walking by other dogs and people and I have to ignore them. I must do that without any issues either because we don’t practice that anymore.

I guess I am ready for our evaluation. I heard Mom talking and I think we will be practicing one more time before the evaluation. I bet I will have to do everything right that day. I know this is something really special Mom and I must do together to honor Ted.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out

6 Responses to “Less than 2 weeks!!!!”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    a trainer…geesh, you are a fine tuned athlete to have a trainer…we are majorly impressed…sitting still for more than a few seconds seems way too hard to us!! we’re sending good thought and our best ‘et juju’ for your evaluation, we just know you’ll ‘ace’ your exam!!!

    charon & gayle

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    I know right? A trainer, for me. I am perfect, why a trainer. I guess she is really for Mom. She is the one that needs the training, not me.


  3.   AbbysMom Says:

    Good luck on your exam. Study hard!

    When in doubt, the answer is usually “all of the above.”


  4.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Thank you for the tip!!!! I just know I have over studied for this.


  5.   chilidawg Says:

    Oh, Izzy, what a great way to honor Ted. I bet the trainer is for your mom, and my mom says choose “c” when you are stumped- whatever that means.

    Spirit Chili Dawg

  6.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Ok Ok, so I will either choose “c” or “all of the above”. I bet Mom really had this info when she was taking tests. Woof


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