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We are home!!!!

This morning was glorious!!!! The fog was in the valley, the river had gone down some and the sun was coming up!!!! I think I even saw Mom smile about the sight we all saw. We all went for our morning walk, then back to the movable home for breakfast.

After a while our neighbors left and Mom let all of us out on our ropes to enjoy the morning. As we were enjoying the sights and sounds, Mom packed up everything. I found my spot, Hank found his spot, and Missy found hers. Mom checked all around, got in and away we went. I just love riding in the movable home. After while, I decided to visit Mom. She looked at me and said she will stop in about 5 minutes.

My Mom is so good to all of us. We arrived home safe and sound. Hank and Missy hopped out of the movable home and I just didn’t want to leave. Once I did, I ran around my yard making sure all was right with the world and you know what? It is. I also know Ted was with us all the way. Mom knew he was too. She always wears the pewter heart with 3 paws around her neck. She told me the heart came off the necklace but has no idea how it came off since the jump ring was closed. She put the heart back on the necklace and said, “Yup, Ted is with us!!!”

Waiting for the next adventure with my family.

Until next time,

Izzy signing out.

4 Responses to “We are home!!!!”

  1.   tatespeeps Says:

    Home sweet home. All’s right with the world and Ted’s right there with you. Gotta like that!

    Jan & Tate

  2.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    You got that right. Nice to be home and just relax and help Mom with the things around the house. Oh I also helped her shower. I got right in with her. Woof Woof Woof.


  3.   jerry Says:

    True love never dies, it’s always with us kiddo. How wonderful to take our loved ones along for the ride, don’tcha think?

  4.   Izzy, Ted's sister Says:

    Ted is always with us.


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